Carnivore Diet


Well-Known Member
Vegancels shouldn't be doctors... they should stick to miming and throwing oil on paintings.. and gluing themselves to the road (also pretty fucking annoying).


Well-Known Member
Look at these retard TV doctors vs. Paul Saladino:

Vegetarian tv docs should be in prison. How many boosters did Biden get?? LOL I am kidding his mental and physical health was messed up way before that. It is spousal abuse. AND BIG FOOD (PLANT BASED PROCESSED JUNK) sponsors all these assholes on TV.

I kind of like DR. Drew and some other idiots but the rest of them are clowns. That was supposed to be them "owning" Saladino. Vegans and vegetarians should be ashamed of themselves. They disgust me.
Making their cats retarded and brain damaged. Idiots.
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Well-Known Member
Obviously the communist incels at Reddit don't like this woman (5 mods that run every group from R/Toronto to R/Bipolar to R/ADHD -- it wasn't that bad before. R/ADHD was good like 6-10 yrs ago).

HUMANS should live to 120. MEAT only. last 5 percent going pure akes 95 percent of difference. same with water fasting and clean diets and lifting to cut, or supremely focusing on macros and micros and lifting over time. Alternate day fasting and such for strength makes like 80% of your physique if you are a slow oxidizer like me (tho ya, yrs of training before that make the foundation).

BE PURE. BE a carnivore elitist. Only meat.

I will watch people discuss eating meat, cook meat, let my trades cook, and eat meat later. I will only wear meat designer fashions also (I love Masons and Saxx Vneck t shirts and Omega watches. And my shavettes japanese. I will replace them with meat though).

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Well-Known Member
Cant find a ton of evidence of ancient ancestral cocaine/ amphetamines. Our classic humans did use psychadelics though. Not sure this is what this study says, as I didn't read it. I will try harder again in the future. Psychedelics, Sociality, and Human Evolution


Well-Known Member
Ya it is odd he has Salad in his name. I know he and Liver King had some business dealings but I like Saladino. He finished school later and was a PA and then a Psychiatrist but does holistic/ whole body medicine. He surfs, eats meat, and is ripped. Rich af I am sure.

Cant find a ton of evidence of ancient ancestral cocaine/ amphetamines. Our classic humans did use psychadelics though. Not sure this is what this study says, as I didn't read it. I will try harder again in the future. Psychedelics, Sociality, and Human Evolution

The oldest evidence of meat eating by hominins comes from Dikika, Ethiopia, where researchers found fragments of bone from goat- and cow-size mammals bearing marks suggestive of butchering at least 3.39 million years ago1. According to a new study, the ancestor of all animals was most likely a carnivore, and there are many more meat eaters than scientists would expect2.
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Well-Known Member
realistically many of us here could be half dead and run circles around most millennials and gen z'ers... as long as we have dex or coffee or keto or carnivore or tei. so i won't worry tm.

EDIT: yeah I know these are all older people and not millennials (they seem old. Or just middle aged men I am not sure).

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Well-Known Member
"OH the Gov't will keep me safe. I love the gov't !! please change me into a girl. I'm gay, i love the gov't. I identify as a girl even tho I am a male... so i can beat women in crappy sports. TRUMP CAN't WIN. HE IS A NAZI!!! THANK YOU BIDEN AND KAMALA!!! YOu'RE SO BrAVE!!! Please VACCINATE ME MORE MR. FAUCI". --> the disgusting left.

"I always vote for Trudeau. I'm a fag!! I like dressing like a dog and having sex inside a daycare. Teachers should be allowed to molest children. It isn't pedophile, it is "Minor Attracted Person"." -- Democrats or whatever they're called in Canada (Liberals).

"OMG he's a nazi!! He only eats meat and works out!!"

"OMG trump is so racist!!" Literally the blackest president of all time. 3 baby mama's, he got shot and walked it off.
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Well-Known Member
OH!! GLOBAL Health, FOOD/Agriculture, Technology, and Sun blocking, Vaccine queen CZAR:

Why was this heffer on Epstein's Island??


Well-Known Member
"OH HI is this SECRET SERVICE?? OH yeah HI... can we get an order of ugly fat women to "defend" 'The Donald', aka HITLER??...
Oh we can??? CAN we charge 200bn more USD to the taxpayers to Zelinsky and his friends??, okay thank you." -- THE PEDO LEFTIST ELITE.


Well-Known Member
GOD I HATE HER. I badmouth her and was kicked off (also correctly threatened some haters on a trading discord in 2021). And the queers kicked me off.

SHE LACKED MEAT IN HER EARLY DEVELOPMENT. HER SKULL AND BRAIN IS SMALLER and her facial width to height ratio. TRUMP EATS MEAT... he walked off an ear-shot (it would hurt but yeah it is totally possible... not for cucks tho).

Anyways an inch or so another way, it would have made a fair debate for Biden.

ANYWAYS GOODNIGHT... don't let the Elder Bidens shower with you at night. XOX. <3.
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Well-Known Member
I hate Fauci. So many love him... "Oh he wrote the book on this." Who gives a shyt??? I was reading at a 10th grade level in grade 1.



Well-Known Member
What? LOL. I will look that up. Do you mean some tweaker Vietnamese bodybuilder? Or do you mean an actor for some Vietnamese soap opera about Tarzan. Or do you mean an actual 'Forest Person'?

I'll find out.

Perhaps if we perfect our human form... and our input and output/ intake and outake, we can live till 120-130 and look 30 at 55-60. and look 40 at 79-89 and look 38-45 at 120-130?

IN the future it may be even harder as GMO meat takes over and the soil is completely destroyed by the WEF/BILL GATES.

They should both be in prison.
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Well-Known Member
WTF. Seems he passed away. Living in the forest is suboptimal. Living in the ocean is more ideal.

Wow, he had a hard life...he lived in the forest. It's hard there.
The Vietnam Tarzan was chewing leafs. Probably some type of amphetamine or stimulant in the leafs


Well-Known Member
At least meds and vaccines didn't kill him, nor the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet). He wasn't making Big Sugar and Big Food (and American Diabetes Society) money.

He probably wasn't eating the perfect human diet. Maybe he smoked. Maybe just a random cancer.


Well-Known Member
"I don'T RIKE Carbon... I'm BilL GAyTes wah wah I'm a big fat baby that looks like a middle aged woman. My subpar wife divorced me bc I was on Epstein's island and I bought all the soil so ev1 can be soyboy like me. WAH WAH!!! We need to block the sun. YOu should only eat Lab MeAt." --society's champion and rightful downfaller Bill Gates.

"Oh My God A BuncH of Obese landwhales and unwashed homosexuals sneezed... we gotta lockdown wah wah wah!!! Trudeau has to steal billions of dollars from taxpayers wah wah we need to lockdown." --That Ugly Skinwalker "Dr." Tam (In Canada).

"But TrUMp is A CRIMINAL." Yes... embezzling 300 billion thru Ukraine, murdering the youth of mostly men in both Russia and Ukraine, to fatten their pockets and Biden's son being on Burisma isn't a crime...

If lockdown and virus and market crashes taught me anything, it is that I hate people. And I wanted the virus to win. OR at least the vax on most ppl. Not you ppl here, a lot of shitty ppl tho.

Well I saw a lot of fat and ugly people and newcomers outside in downtowns across canada... hmm... couldn't be that deadly could it?? OH he got shot in the face???Mark it as covid.
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Well-Known Member
Great talk about meat. He dispels some of the massive organ consumption habits of Pauly Salads as well as his lowered testosterone. This guy and many patients upped it.

He ain't hating on Pauly Salads. Somewhere around the 50m mark. Chafee discusses Saladino. I liked it. It was informative.

We Waz Carnivores.


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Veterinarian woman loses her cool and takes it out on a neighbor's cat.

I've studied serial killers for many years. She will kill again for sure. She most likely already has. It starts with cats as a child... and then goes on to larger game.
It always ends the same way...
She will eventually tire of ripping cats heads off, and blowing up beached (but still living) whales...
And she will move onto the most dangerous game of all, man.