Cyber34 PFS Log


Decided to create a log to record my pfs recovery.

Been struggling with PFS for nearly 2 years at this point after taking fin for 4 months. Had all the classic pfs symptoms which started a week after coming off, including insomnia, anhedonia, anxiety, depression, ears ringing, muscle loss, brain fog, gut issues, ED, etc.

After a year of natural recovery and a year of hcg, I had some improvements to my symptoms: I sleep about 6-7 hours per night however I never feel rested, my ears ring a little less, less anxiety, my mood has slightly improved and I no longer have suicidal thoughts although still have anhedonia and depression. I'm currently in a livable state but life is not great and I don't want to live this way. I can't even have a job due to my fatigue and brain fog. I'm in a better state than I was at the beginning of pfs hell but I am not anywhere close to where I was before. Id say i'm about 30% recovered.

For me it seems like I have low dht and testosterone symptoms even though they are in range since I have 0 acne anymore, my sweat doesn't smell, no mpb scalp itch, and I lack aggression like I used to. Sometimes I feel libido and aggression but it comes in waves and only lasting for a short time. This points to me having overexpressed AR and low 5AR.


Currently I am doing cdnuts protocol. I started herb cycling a month ago with tongkat, pine pollen, royal jelly, horny goat weed. I didnt notice much of an improvement from them though, it just felt like a weaker version of hcg. I just started ultrahard prohormone yesterday and will be logging my results with it.


Update on my ultrahard cycle: Currently on 2 pumps daily. First couple days I had some low gaba symptoms and wasn't getting enough sleep which is likely due to the epi but these have calmed down and now i'm feeling much more relaxed after taking it. It seems like my body is desensitizing to it since i'm not getting as much of an effect as I was at first but this is probably a good thing since my body is adjusting to having dht again. For the first time I feel like i'm getting enough sleep and waking up feeling rested. This is probably the most normal I've felt during pfs. I also notice that my eyes are less sunken in and my digestion is better, I feel less robotic and like my real personality is coming back too. I just hope these improvements stick after I come off the cycle.


I had a window of higher libido and decided to fap last night but today ive been in a bit of a downswing, my eyes were more sunken in and had stomach pain all day until I took the ultrahard again which got rid of them after about 15mins. Not sure if its the dht boosting my 5ar or if dht itself is needed for these processes but immediately after taking the prohormones I notice improvements. Going to try harder to commit to nofap going forward.

I'm on the final week of my cycle and its been pretty mild overall but I decided to just stick to 2 pumps since its my first cycle. The first two weeks I felt better than I do now but I still am feeling better than before taking them. I have some small windows where I have mpb scale itch and feeling aggressive and masculine but they usually are very short. I don't really have any acne or oily skin like I used to which is kind of weird but maybe its because of lower estrogen levels. Next cycle i'll be doing androhard which has a better ratio of andro to epi so ill be able to push the dose higher.


Been about 3 weeks since I finished my ultrahard cycle so its safe to say that its out of my system now. I am definitely feeling more normal overall and have less fatigue similar to how I felt on hcg. I have windows where I feel like my natural dht is starting to work again where I have mpb scalp itch and more mental aggression. This cycle also improved my digestion a lot and im no longer bloated all day and I can finally get through an entire workout without feeling like im crashing from running out of neurosteroids. So definitely a sign that my natural 5ar is higher now than before cycle.

One negative I have gotten is the ringing in my ears is a bit worse and I don't feel as tired at night but I have still been getting around 7 hours on average. I think this is because the UH had a lower dose of androsterone compared to epi so it left me in a state with lower gaba. Next cycle ill be running androhard which i'm hoping can resolve my gaba issues.

I'd estimate i'm around 45-50% recovered now. If it wasnt for the gaba issues it would be higher.