And permanent "side effects" (actually the true mechanism) that are "extremely rare", "do not persist", and "I've never heard of" (as per pharmacists and doctors).
Indeed, makes almost no sense at all to those unaffected till they see how fucked up your life has become, and the steps you've taken to fix it (personally speaking).
I remember some idiots saying I slur some words bc of all the "hard drugs" (literally alcohol, effexor, mj like 15 times) at that point. It was literally Effexor XR and whatever else they put me on back then. Then withdrawing from it and severe depression. Also hypomania, etc.
I still slur a bit, but 60% dead, I'm more articulate than all those assholes (when not too high or too low (mood, anxiety, etc -- or post-fin)). They don't realize how many of their peers in school and work are on serious drugs let alone prescription drugs (far worse). I could function fine on some obviously dangerous things, and not get out of bed or make sense at all on and after the RX ones. Being able to stay in the same tense and separate paragraphs may be partly medication caused, but it may have been happening anyways. Actually I couldn't get out of bed both after effexor and fin for some time. The first I got a lot better than started using alcohol etc again, then other things. So yeah, you're not good if your on drugs, but fine if you're on prescription ones... it's vexing. The same is true of societally acceptable drugs vs. the non social drugs. "Doctor knows best." Lol, I grew up around like 50 future docs.
I found that after not being on anything after quitting fin, I thought a family member was on something a lot of times... but they were usually not. They are ADHD and switch moods a bit here and there, but less than me. SO I can also see why others would think I'm on drugs (because my cognitive dysfunction is significantly worse than their's), esp if they see me "hyper" every single time they see me. BUT* what they don't know, is that not knowing all of this is a very lucky situation to be in. When I'm sober and tense, people want me to drink... so much hypocrisy. Eating all lean, want you to eat bread. And on and on.
People want you to be a certain way, but when you know you'll never be like them and only you and something drastically alters that 'you', that's devastating.
I hope all past tense for me.
TO put psyche and hormonal drugs in perspective: I literally quit inhalers sometimes bc of not remembering to refill them, not wanting to go to the doctor, lack of time... and that's for breathing. Jack shit occurs besides some wheezing. Quit effexor, seroquel, latuda, fin, duta, etc cold turkey --- and see what happens. You end up trying to solve an unsolvable chronic disease. You should see how many kids under 18 have permanent shaking and tremors and akasthisa, dyskinesias, etc from psyche drugs (for disorders that don't even exist in adolescence and are ALWAYS diagnosed incorrectly). It's a fucking joke. I like some psychiatrists, but the drugs and DSM are moronic.
Society and parents and schools and the common man do not know how to deal with people who are "different", so they label them, deride them, and drug them.
Not only that but they create a reality in which they need those drugs. Like some people I've seen who have tried like 60 different psyche drugs.
I'd rather be an educated, cost-benefit-analyzing drug-user than a zombie or a fat diabetic pill popping "common man", any fucking day.