Electrolyte Protocol for Improved Health


Well-Known Member
Adding to above. Dht should end up keeping beta alanine carnosine up. Which needs manganese for histidine. But this is really zinc finger.

Where dht + manganese essentially raise histidine allowing zinc to be used.

Problem in all this is how to get copper up?

I don’t know why this is bolded. But I guess something wanted me to do bold this part. The key to copper is flat out ATP the electrolyte in the cell. And if you’re getting the electrolyte in the cell… then if you need to give some copper you need to give some copper or extra dhea to help move from liver. But if you’re not. Copper is just Stupid to supplement.

We are trying to fix copper metabolism with electrolyte protocol. That’s the goal.
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Well-Known Member
Strict carnivore or Water Fasting on the table?

I know a fair amt about hormones, about meds (psyche meds), fasting, carnivore, etc, etc. A bit about mineral balancing...
How do you know all this shyt bro?? WHich electrolyte or mineral pushes which amino acid or whatever else.

Like DHT is a hormone, manganese is an element... they raise the amino acid zinc. IDK I never got a lot of this. Maybe I'm a doofus but still. Where'd you learn this?

Yeah copper seems bad for many people especially slow oxidizers.
Also liver, and certain organs. Dr. Chaffee, Dr. Berry, Shawn Baker say they aren't needed. Bart T Kay. All Carnivore people.

Only the exercise addict, skinny (good physique don't get me wrong) who added 300g of carbs and looks like 5-8yrs older, Paul Saladino adds those.
He eats like 4-5 organs a week, like entire giant fruits... and some meat but if he didn't surf 3hrs a day, lift nearly daily, probably jog.. yeah he'd be a fatty. And he would be like 10-15 yrs older looking.

Copper and Electrolyte protocol is your goal or the entire goal of the electrolyte protocol?
Remember the simplified version? that thread came down but it gave me clean hair test values and locked in gains, every step. ... Like after water fasting, after ru486, after ellaone, in and during and after herbs, and same with randro/4andro, and same pre TEI. I moved out on own and had other responsibilities (mostly career and money and living...) but got sidetracked and stopped treating minus 4-5minerals and my ADHD medicine.

And then not even that.. while keeping up a lot of exercise tho, like lifting everyday nearly and walking 5-6km maybe a lot more at times, and calisthenics.. daily... like kind 15-18 workouts a week but 4-5 short ones with calisthenics, 6 lifting days, and the rest walks. Tiring/ hurts joints with my conn tissue disorder/ so yeah the walking felt like a workout plus i walk faster than like everyone basically.

SO minerals are stronger than everything, hormones, some drugs, medications... but medications play with and need and affect hormones (many of them, maybe most or all, IDK).

Electrolytes are just minerals. Are these minerals just like atoms and elements? Science was a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Strict carnivore or Water Fasting on the table?

I know a fair amt about hormones, about meds (psyche meds), fasting, carnivore, etc, etc. A bit about mineral balancing...
How do you know all this shyt bro?? WHich electrolyte or mineral pushes which amino acid or whatever else.

Like DHT is a hormone, manganese is an element... they raise the amino acid zinc. IDK I never got a lot of this. Maybe I'm a doofus but still. Where'd you learn this?

Yeah copper seems bad for many people especially slow oxidizers.
Also liver, and certain organs. Dr. Chaffee, Dr. Berry, Shawn Baker say they aren't needed. Bart T Kay. All Carnivore people.

Only the exercise addict, skinny (good physique don't get me wrong) who added 300g of carbs and looks like 5-8yrs older, Paul Saladino adds those.
He eats like 4-5 organs a week, like entire giant fruits... and some meat but if he didn't surf 3hrs a day, lift nearly daily, probably jog.. yeah he'd be a fatty. And he would be like 10-15 yrs older looking.

Copper and Electrolyte protocol is your goal or the entire goal of the electrolyte protocol?
Remember the simplified version? that thread came down but it gave me clean hair test values and locked in gains, every step. ... Like after water fasting, after ru486, after ellaone, in and during and after herbs, and same with randro/4andro, and same pre TEI. I moved out on own and had other responsibilities (mostly career and money and living...) but got sidetracked and stopped treating minus 4-5minerals and my ADHD medicine.

And then not even that.. while keeping up a lot of exercise tho, like lifting everyday nearly and walking 5-6km maybe a lot more at times, and calisthenics.. daily... like kind 15-18 workouts a week but 4-5 short ones with calisthenics, 6 lifting days, and the rest walks. Tiring/ hurts joints with my conn tissue disorder/ so yeah the walking felt like a workout plus i walk faster than like everyone basically.

SO minerals are stronger than everything, hormones, some drugs, medications... but medications play with and need and affect hormones (many of them, maybe most or all, IDK).

Electrolytes are just minerals. Are these minerals just like atoms and elements? Science was a long time ago.

Bro this whole website was built around a guys ideas who always said “minerals are hormones”.

They open up hormonal pathways simple as that. Or shut them down. Or turn thyroid on.

Humans are just made of elements and metabolism governs what we are made of. Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen are ultimately the main 4 what we are made of. And metabolism governs this. The hormones and minerals.


Well-Known Member
True, yes, they are the sparkplugs of life. C, H, O, N. I will learn more and I may only be on minerals soon enough. I just think in the meantime some meds are ok... but maybe I will just switch to diet only and then the minerals I need (TEI), then my own. I was cured of PFS or felt like it, and only had some minerals. I stopped TEI too soon perhaps, but I think that some medicines keep those minerals and hormones better for a long time. Same with fasting, maybe not forever... but it keeps certain toxic metals and heavy metals depleted a long time. Some hormonal medicines keep minerals fixed for a long time.

Diet should help but people need to add minerals to it, and ev1 needs a different ish sort of diet perhaps. And to push certain minerals and remove toxic and heavy minerals (and those differ as well).

No minerals, no hormones exist.

But they also said once cured take nothing, I feel that I felt and acted pretty cured and was also curing other things. Maybe it is "once cured of everything, take nothing."

It is dismissive and not realistic. There is no way most people cure everything, I mean outside of PFS. Trauma, anxiety, whatever... ADHD forever. If they can do this, then great.

Sometimes meds are needed, whether diet and exercise and detoxing is done or attempted to be done perfectly. And they can push hormones faster than minerals can. I am sure in optimal states minerals are quit good. I used mg and dex for years and also later after PFS and curing it I used some b minerals, some dex, and mg.. and enzymes that's it.

I feel I'd have stayed cured if I took HCG 4-6months or so tho. maybe longer, then I wouldn't be back here. Sure I had some other issues, but I think strict carniv can handle them at 2 yrs for Mitochondrial reset and also at 6mo to 1yr for LOTS and LOTS of autophagy. I'd have balanced the rest in 2 yrs, like perfect 2019 and super perfect, superhuman in 2021 esp with a friends network and most of em hot ladies.
But no... lockdown, and autism and stuff. AND for sure the confusion over doing awesome over this then having a couple symptoms.

Minerals are important but pushing hormones in faster ways with hormones, can make them the icing on the cake. WHEREAS some people cannot afford to do any hormonal medicine for fear it will hurt them (which may or may not be true), and also bc they respond badly. That can all change. ALSO aren't hair tests just an average of 4mo or so mineral situation wise? I suppose oligoscan is more accurate or precise for what's going on now. At the tissue level though inside the body, they may be inaccurate. Maybe an average is needed between oligoscan or TEI or whatever.

There are like 20 companies, surely most will give different results. Like anything, it is good to stick to one protocol. AND I do believe in it, the electrolyte protocol helped me have relatively clean hairtests and lockin hella gains. Every month for PFS in 2018, and beyond that. I just think keeping gains, I needed some hormonal help... so I could have comfortably moved on and kept curing other stuff.

Edit: moving the rest to my log.
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Well-Known Member
@MNK99 i understand how to read oligoscan next to hair. That’s what happened for me this last year.

Haiduts htma is only $50. It’s good idea next to oligoscan.


Well-Known Member
True knowing the info and how to interpret can help a lot.

I appreciate your offer man and I will get to it... it is just, I mean I want to do long run carnivore for autism/anxiety/depression and trauma reasons anyways. THEN I will be happier to do those, get the hairtest and oligoscan. I already paid like IDK 400 450CAD for 2 hairtests from Evenbetternow. Also I saw that on Raypeat and weren't they hating on all of us and Helen for using hairtests? I guess there was demand.

Realistically, it'd be great any time... but I mean I assume chemistry changes when doing 100% carnivore vs say 90% and 100% is what I am doing, but keeping it up 100% of the time.

I mean I don't want all these undone hairtests - but I will do the ones I have. Or I mean one of them for now, and retest later. TEi's good too no? Maybe the test and retest was only 250-300 cad not sure.

WITH hairtests and your knowl that you will impart on me, I will be able to use it as a powerful tool forever. For life. So cure things 6mo or a year after that but if anything happens, or if I ever feel it is all too much and maybe I need a mood stabilizer or maybe I need some bs for hair or something, or things are getting off track, I can retest and just add the minerals I need. If I ever get depressed or too isolated. Or anxiety ridden, after getting better. Or if there's a lot of pressure and I cannot cope as well. Maybe, I hope not if I get really sick with some crazy disease or cancer or something in the future, I can use it.

Should help Autism and trauma a lot rite? anxiety... maybe 2 symptoms of PFS? I probably have or had shutdown IDK. zero LH and ZERO FSH after rad140 in May 2023. BUt that was one test and one off use of that drug.. like a week here and there. May use HCG before this to bring that stuff up and neurosteroids.

So taking random minerals isn't necessarily dangerous but causes people to need to fast for a day or 2, like Tubzy said long ago,...if he takes something that doesn't agree with him.
But it can be a waste of time. Testing is good. Wish it was commonly known, and we could have talked about it in life with our stupid peers. Or I mean I wish I could have. Required bravery, no fear.

Lots say it is fight or flight/ fear response that makes people with ASD.
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Well-Known Member
I don't explain myself well, obviously I know these are true:

"Like DHT is a hormone, manganese is an element..." and most the rest. I just forget. And didn't keep track of things. But I mean like this drug , that drug stops this, pushes that...
This low electrolyte or toxic ratio means this or that... that nuance, I will get from there.

I am sure I had good hair tests mostly (for a PFS or formerly pfs person) from 2018 end to 2022 but I never did em again. Truly think, ASD+ADHD+ lockdown + trauma of an insane illness and other stuff = addiction in trading, and then losing at times, made me demotivated to get it done... and yeah I am sure that better diet long long run (mitophagy and autophagy) of carnivore, and TEI long run, would have put this into remission, the Autism- mostly. AND Cured anxiety, depression, and whatever else.

PFS would have been cured. NEED to fix mitochondria and have autophagy to "get over" this trauma and get physically fit and solid again. Then, I can add this. I just took random zn, and mg, and b (with some spirullina and something else), just bc I had it, and yeah taking random supps (not the best kind), isn't as good as if I planned it out and bought good ones. NOR as good as if I got tested.

Nor is it as good as JUST FASTING. OR just the electrolyte protocol. Nor mineral balancing.

I'll keep the faith... I'll try my best to have faith in getting better again. With diet, and then N.B. (and likewise this, but hopefully, I only need 2 protocols. Maybe for long term future, note and keep el protocol tho).


Well-Known Member
What are your main issues now? ADHD?


This is a lesson of truth and I think Gbold would say the same thing. How about we STOP putting labels on things and just take it for what it is. “You’re fucked up.”

The labels were designed for pharma to have drugs and $$$ making treatments.

MNK….. you write like a fucking book whenever you write. I’m similar but to much lesser degree. On scheme of things… people think and know I’m fucked up by my writing. I write a lot. And go on tangents.

It’s the racing brain. Nobody should ever write as much as me. But you write like 100x more than me lol. You’re fucked up. I’m fucked up. Let’s just agree on that . Forget the fucking labels.

You need to work with someone MNK. Your ideas and theories are wrong. Keto and carnivore and fasting. We did all that stuff in the late 2010s. Are they valid and helpful when a person needs them? Yes!!!

But we have to figure out the reason why you’re fucked up. And treat that particular reason. No more guessing. No more stupidity.

Deep down I do believe I will be a very solid functional health practitioner one day if I can get better. I’m too sick, zero credibility currently. I cannot do that work now unless things change for the better one day.

That said. I’m willing to help you now. You’re a long term friend. I want the best for you. I will be willing to help you.

Just stop writing all these words. Stop trying to put together a big plan yourself. Let someone who understands these issues and biochemistry a bit … help you.


Well-Known Member
Yea for sure. Instead of racing mind I mostly have depression symptoms. Lack of confidence. Severe negative self image. etc. This is from years of low confidence from probably low testosterone, anxiety (back then), severe neurological symptoms, I guess being slightly autistic.

I feel traumatized to an extent. Like a beaten dog. In black pill/red pill spheres they call it "abused dog syndrome". Often sick people or people who are not "Normal" are treated like shit. Or if you are ugly. Etc. In those spheres mostly about if you're ugly. But it's the same if you are unhealthy, sick, etc. doesn't matter if you look "OK". If you are bad enough people will treat you badly. Especially if you express yourself truly. This is why for years I kept inside EVERYTHING. My being. Because it repulsed people. Scared to show myself. I know more people like this.

And then you start playing videogames 24/7 and watching porn to not have to live in that reality. Because reality is SHIT in those cases. Crazy shit. Then I quit it but nothing changed. You deal with reality that doesn't change. You gain muscles. Gain some money. You act more social. Take finasteride to save your shitty hair. But people still treat you like crap. So then you wonder why even do shit in reality?

Emotional control is good but for me I could never show my true self. Because quite frankly my true self was completely fucked up/crazy. This causes even more of an "imposter" feeling and low confidence. I think this is also how Narcissistic Personality Disorder and stuff like that is born. You start wearing a mask 24/7. Which is even more hurtful if that gets you better results. Because then you learn your own person is unworthy.

Normally you go through this crap when you are a teenager. But I think when you are autistic you are stuck at a young age. Like when I crashed from finasteride I felt like a little child. No joke. The same. Some people are still a little kid at old age. Trauma often does it too. Like PTSD.

I was at my parents for a while and I realised how crazy they are. Never realized it. They are decent people but I grew up around crazy people. I know MANY people grow up around crazy people but not this level.

This is all a cascade of bad health. Generational perhaps. Doubt I'll ever get over it 100%. Probably have to find something to cope and make life bearable. I was proud of myself of getting rid of PFS. I went so hard it almost inhuman lol. That's the good thing about being crazy (I was way crazier back then) you don't give a shit, you go through fire and flames to get to your destination.

But this opened pandora box to my other health stuff (metal toxicity's, autism, etc.).

Just my 2c.


Well-Known Member
Yea for sure. Instead of racing mind I mostly have depression symptoms. Lack of confidence. Severe negative self image. etc. This is from years of low confidence from probably low testosterone, anxiety (back then), severe neurological symptoms, I guess being slightly autistic.

I feel traumatized to an extent. Like a beaten dog. In black pill/red pill spheres they call it "abused dog syndrome". Often sick people or people who are not "Normal" are treated like shit. Or if you are ugly. Etc. In those spheres mostly about if you're ugly. But it's the same if you are unhealthy, sick, etc. doesn't matter if you look "OK". If you are bad enough people will treat you badly. Especially if you express yourself truly. This is why for years I kept inside EVERYTHING. My being. Because it repulsed people. Scared to show myself. I know more people like this.

And then you start playing videogames 24/7 and watching porn to not have to live in that reality. Because reality is SHIT in those cases. Crazy shit. Then I quit it but nothing changed. You deal with reality that doesn't change. You gain muscles. Gain some money. You act more social. Take finasteride to save your shitty hair. But people still treat you like crap. So then you wonder why even do shit in reality?

Emotional control is good but for me I could never show my true self. Because quite frankly my true self was completely fucked up/crazy. This causes even more of an "imposter" feeling and low confidence. I think this is also how Narcissistic Personality Disorder and stuff like that is born. You start wearing a mask 24/7. Which is even more hurtful if that gets you better results. Because then you learn your own person is unworthy.

Normally you go through this crap when you are a teenager. But I think when you are autistic you are stuck at a young age. Like when I crashed from finasteride I felt like a little child. No joke. The same. Some people are still a little kid at old age. Trauma often does it too. Like PTSD.

I was at my parents for a while and I realised how crazy they are. Never realized it. They are decent people but I grew up around crazy people. I know MANY people grow up around crazy people but not this level.

This is all a cascade of bad health. Generational perhaps. Doubt I'll ever get over it 100%. Probably have to find something to cope and make life bearable. I was proud of myself of getting rid of PFS. I went so hard it almost inhuman lol. That's the good thing about being crazy (I was way crazier back then) you don't give a shit, you go through fire and flames to get to your destination.

But this opened pandora box to my other health stuff (metal toxicity's, autism, etc.).

Just my 2c.

Hear u. Agree with all you’re saying. Stuck in childhood so many adults are. Cuz they’re fucked up.


Well-Known Member
What are your main issues now? ADHD?
I think ASD or trauma... I think it has been for years. Sure imbalanced and I could have better sexual health and energy levels (deep into ketosis one week and deeper I am sure 2 weeks and 2mo etc =higher).

Sure, I know that there's maybe 4-5 main diseases or things people have... maybe 10-20... and they manifest in different ways.
-joint pain arthritis
--anxiety and depression.
--some addictive tendencies.
-trauma... and ASD stuff.
--sure some urology stuff from FIn, but it could be from shutdown. IDK.
--Trauma either from C-PTSD or some other PTSD issue and Autism.
--hence why I want to finish it off FAST minimally. LIKE finish off tiny bit of PFS and most depression with diet... and then some minerals. get fitter...
--finish off anxiety and trauma and isolation with new paradigms in mind, like with psychedelics.
--maybe diet a year.. and tei a year.. and then psychedelics. I don't know but as I have said a lot of times, this isn't PFS anymore... this is long term trauma and it prevents me from moving on.
--it also prevented me from getting x-rays, seeking medical help when I was clearly injured. have friends that are EMS and they were trying to force me to go to minor emergy/ hospital when I could barely walk
--keep in mind that was summer 2022, I am way better.
--but medical and life trauma/ ASD... that kind of thing. main issue.
--so more minerals or this protocol here. If I can do it all with diet and some minerals that is cool, because then i don't need to try and remember what I need to do. It's hard.
--and i can get sidetracked.
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Well-Known Member

This is a lesson of truth and I think Gbold would say the same thing. How about we STOP putting labels on things and just take it for what it is. “You’re fucked up.”

The labels were designed for pharma to have drugs and $$$ making treatments.

MNK….. you write like a fucking book whenever you write. I’m similar but to much lesser degree. On scheme of things… people think and know I’m fucked up by my writing. I write a lot. And go on tangents.

It’s the racing brain. Nobody should ever write as much as me. But you write like 100x more than me lol. You’re fucked up. I’m fucked up. Let’s just agree on that . Forget the fucking labels.

You need to work with someone MNK. Your ideas and theories are wrong. Keto and carnivore and fasting. We did all that stuff in the late 2010s. Are they valid and helpful when a person needs them? Yes!!!

But we have to figure out the reason why you’re fucked up. And treat that particular reason. No more guessing. No more stupidity.

Deep down I do believe I will be a very solid functional health practitioner one day if I can get better. I’m too sick, zero credibility currently. I cannot do that work now unless things change for the better one day.

That said. I’m willing to help you now. You’re a long term friend. I want the best for you. I will be willing to help you.

Just stop writing all these words. Stop trying to put together a big plan yourself. Let someone who understands these issues and biochemistry a bit … help you.
He wasn't right about of everything and he did change his mind all the time, and he did argue with people.. and leave and threaten to close down the site, sue Tubzy etc.

I am not "that fucked up". I could do basically anything or nothing and 90-95% of PFS is gone still.

Just because people can't stick to something doesn't mean that everyone else is wrong. I wouldn't be back to trading (even though I don't like it at times, changing strategy is better), and I wouldn't be back to trying to help ADHD/ASD if not for carnivore.
What theories do you think I have? I don't even care what caused PFS exactly, but it is among other things androgen receptor overexpression.

My plan is mostly simple.
I am not averse to getting the aid of a practitioner.
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Well-Known Member
"I feel traumatized to an extent. Like a beaten dog. In black pill/red pill spheres they call it "abused dog syndrome". Often sick people or people who are not "Normal" are treated like shit. Or if you are ugly. Etc. In those spheres mostly about if you're ugly. But it's the same if you are unhealthy, sick, etc. doesn't matter if you look "OK". If you are bad enough people will treat you badly. Especially if you express yourself truly. This is why for years I kept inside EVERYTHING. My being. Because it repulsed people. Scared to show myself. I know more people like this."

I hear you @RebelWithACause

I had freeze responses and literally at times couldn't talk - probably autism, social anxiety. maybe trauma.

I had bad confidence but fixed it early 20s, after effexor, and then in spades mid 20s and late 20s. Fixed later after PFS also. It was destroyed then but suffering now.

Quite possible I have C-PTSD or similar more than autism. You know who mentioned PTSD first? My psychiatrist who I barely got to see again because of lockdown. He mentioned that before ADHD.

It was hard talking to people, even people reaching out to me. Especially when more disabled. That is mostly gone now.

REFERENCE some real studies and some biochem textbooks. I'm actually a lot smarter than most people realize, especially ignorant people. No one actually smart thinks otherwise. Only natural health weirdos who usually know nothing. Or retarded authoritarians (including doctors, the crappy ones. They aren't all crappy tho).
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Well-Known Member
I asked before what book or biochem or whatever textbook did you learn any of this from?

You're out of your depth if you think I'm stupid. I've actually taken those classes (I switched to econ but still... I had untreated ADHD and ASD the whole time initially).


Well-Known Member
Dude I’m not reading all that. Work with someone to help you regain your health or dont.

And keep living this way. You’re going to continue to have a shitty life. Unless you fix the deep systemic imbalances causing your neurological illness.


Well-Known Member
All I’m saying is I can try to help you if you just shut the fuck up dude. Sit down and listen to someone who understands this stuff more than you.

Cuz you know nothing. “Tei, fasting, carnivore.” Shut up!!!!!!!!

Just don’t say a word. Do a fucking oligoscan and a hair test. And I’ll talk to you. Maybe do an oats, get a doctor on hand to look at hormones. Just shut up it’s 2024 use resources for testing and get someone who understands this stuff to help you.

The thing is I don’t think there are many who understand this stuff. That’s why I’m offering you a hand.


Well-Known Member
Why are you hating??

why are you telling me to shut the fuck up? I am on my own log posting my own stuff.

I am sure there are tools I am not using and don't know about.
What did I say to offend you so much? I am saying that you always hated on recoveries and literally have zero idea what people did to get better.

I only write that to force myself to stay the course - yeah I know it looks crazy. What is wrong with TEI? or carnivore. I am trying to get on a good streak.

I was writing that for me, not saying anyone else has to... I am trying to fix health issues. YOU think that you know everything and yet isn't TEI supposed to be good to balance everyone anyways?

If I need a Dutch Test, Oat Test, fine I can do them. And a Hairtest but you're quite mistaken if you think I know nothing.

You have a major mental illness and should work on fixing that. My neuro stuff isn't even necessarily an illness. They are differences in cognition. With right tools, I can have a good life with ADHD/ASD.
I can fix a lot of it I am sure, but you have no concrete evidence of anything. You lash out at people.
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Well-Known Member
Dude I’m not reading all that. Work with someone to help you regain your health or dont.

And keep living this way. You’re going to continue to have a shitty life. Unless you fix the deep systemic imbalances causing your neurological illness.
Don't need to.


Well-Known Member
Dude I’m not reading another thing you write. Nobody wants to hear that shit. Nobody wants to read your bullshit. You’re like 35 years old.

Like me most people don’t care if you live or die. That’s what being a man is about. You’re on your own.

Stop talking here. Go fucking get some sun. And get out of the house. Do the testing. Send it to me or another practitioner who knows their shit. And listen .