True, yes, they are the sparkplugs of life. C, H, O, N. I will learn more and I may only be on minerals soon enough. I just think in the meantime some meds are ok... but maybe I will just switch to diet only and then the minerals I need (TEI), then my own. I was cured of PFS or felt like it, and only had some minerals. I stopped TEI too soon perhaps, but I think that some medicines keep those minerals and hormones better for a long time. Same with fasting, maybe not forever... but it keeps certain toxic metals and heavy metals depleted a long time. Some hormonal medicines keep minerals fixed for a long time.
Diet should help but people need to add minerals to it, and ev1 needs a different ish sort of diet perhaps. And to push certain minerals and remove toxic and heavy minerals (and those differ as well).
No minerals, no hormones exist.
But they also said once cured take nothing, I feel that I felt and acted pretty cured and was also curing other things. Maybe it is "once cured of everything, take nothing."
It is dismissive and not realistic. There is no way most people cure everything, I mean outside of PFS. Trauma, anxiety, whatever... ADHD forever. If they can do this, then great.
Sometimes meds are needed, whether diet and exercise and detoxing is done or attempted to be done perfectly. And they can push hormones faster than minerals can. I am sure in optimal states minerals are quit good. I used mg and dex for years and also later after PFS and curing it I used some b minerals, some dex, and mg.. and enzymes that's it.
I feel I'd have stayed cured if I took HCG 4-6months or so tho. maybe longer, then I wouldn't be back here. Sure I had some other issues, but I think strict carniv can handle them at 2 yrs for Mitochondrial reset and also at 6mo to 1yr for LOTS and LOTS of autophagy. I'd have balanced the rest in 2 yrs, like perfect 2019 and super perfect, superhuman in 2021 esp with a friends network and most of em hot ladies.
But no... lockdown, and autism and stuff. AND for sure the confusion over doing awesome over this then having a couple symptoms.
Minerals are important but pushing hormones in faster ways with hormones, can make them the icing on the cake. WHEREAS some people cannot afford to do any hormonal medicine for fear it will hurt them (which may or may not be true), and also bc they respond badly. That can all change. ALSO aren't hair tests just an average of 4mo or so mineral situation wise? I suppose oligoscan is more accurate or precise for what's going on now. At the tissue level though inside the body, they may be inaccurate. Maybe an average is needed between oligoscan or TEI or whatever.
There are like 20 companies, surely most will give different results. Like anything, it is good to stick to one protocol. AND I do believe in it, the electrolyte protocol helped me have relatively clean hairtests and lockin hella gains. Every month for PFS in 2018, and beyond that. I just think keeping gains, I needed some hormonal help... so I could have comfortably moved on and kept curing other stuff.
Edit: moving the rest to my log.