Fazed22 log


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I used to have great success with daily coffee enemas and they did a lot of healing for me but then I stopped them for a year, was exposed to extreme stress + trauma and started eating like crap (ray peat diet) to deal with it, where I had way too much ice cream and sugar etc. One day last summer I felt my liver "crack" after overdoing the sugar and then I had bad cardiovascualar symptoms afterwards and pain in my liver/gallbladder reigion. I went into adrenal burnout , low potassium, also low copper (Slow 1) on hairtest and I started TEI. But I always have been a slow oxidiser last 7 years.

Now nearly a year later it seems whenever I do coffee enemas I release this bloody mucus which does concern me and it's not initially after releasing the coffee enema, first I will release the coffee with stools, then 15-20 minutes later I release just this bloody mucus with no stools, but when I release this blood and mucus I do feel increased clarity in my head afterwards. So this does concern me whether it may be cancer or not or if it's just some infection, but I really don't think it is just a Haemorrhoid which can also cause bleeding. I have also had issues gaining weight and I have been underweight slim for a long time now. My instinct is telling me the blood is coming from my upper GI or gallbladder (I did have really bad gallbladder issues a few years ago and a gallstone showed on a scan). I did a colonic irrigation a few years ago in preparation for a liver flush and I also had the same blood in my stools but I felt immense mental clarity after passing this blood.

I've had a slight mold issue in my room the last 7 months which I've tried my best to deal with but I guess there are remnants as waking up pale and bags under eyes plus feeling unrefreshed so I need to get it professionaly remediated.

For the last 6 months I've been eating well; cooked veg, fruit, meat, eggs, whey protein, oats all organic. I did try a 3 day water fast and while I did get some improvements afterwards like improved meat digestion and feeling calmer but I don't think it was great for my bile and it slowed it down my metabolism too much. I'm thinking to stop the oats now as I think they're feeding something like fungi or mold and I'm not gaining weight eating them, plus they're slowing my bile down too much.

What do you think of me getting a colonscopy done, I've read stuff online that say they dangerous and unnecessary and I kind of agree, apparently they use Formaldehyde to clean the colonscopy kit which would be harmful to get inside of you, plus the risk of contamination from the previous patient if it wasn't properly cleaned.

I did recently get a fibroscan done and it showed no issues with my liver which was surprising to me as I thought for sure I would have fatty liver after eating so poorly last year, so I guess the pain I get is from my gallbladder not liver.


Well-Known Member
Also my B12 has been high in blood twice in the last year when I wasn't supplementing it, thinking about possibly trying sodium chlorite (MMS) as an oxidative therapy to try kill whatever infection I have


Well-Known Member
Same for me with the fasting. Although the first fast improved me a lot. After that just felt like I stopped progression everytime I fasted. I think I was quite deficient in certain nutrients and fasting didn't help with that obviously.

I also have mold here. I will move soon. That being said I don't notice too much from it. Feel the same as always. Decent.


Well-Known Member
you are a fast 1 when optimal right @RebelWithACause, that is why fasting is of limited use for you, acc. to HMTA.


Well-Known Member
b12 high in blood, so probably b9-folic aid is lower. And I said probably, beacuse you did not test it. Also dont want to be monotonous, but folic acid is eaten by toxoplasma gondi.
folic acid biosynthesis is also up vitamin c, b2,b1,b3 and i think also b6 but not sure. it is hard to say smth without labs


Well-Known Member
i see i see. maybe when balanced u is slow 1 like me but i don't think so man lol.. u ate like 5x a day and were lean skinny and very tall. maybe slow 1 matched my bodytype when optimized and fast one yours and tubzy's i was thinking but maybe not.


Well-Known Member
For the last year or so I've used refined coconut oil if I'm frying eggs, virgin olive oil for dressing chicken breast, pressure cook meat (beef and chicken) and veg. And get my PUFA from whole foods like eggs and oats but in the last two weeks I started getting food from this deli (just a cooked vegetable/bean dish) and I feel much better from their food compared to my own cooking as if it is containing some nutrient that I am missing in my diet. Well I actually think it is because they are using a seed oil (doesn't seem rancid otherwise I would get liver/gallbladder pain) and that I am deficient in this kind of PUFA fat, so I guess I am not extracting it properly from the eggs or the oats I eat or maybe they don't contain the right balance of fat I need. It could also potentially be the combination of foods that they use but I am leaning more towards it being the oil they use to cook with. The cookwear I use is non toxic so it's not that. The only negative is I do feel some blood sugar issues like dry mouth if I eat any sugar after eating the food from the deli which PUFA is known to do.

I'm also starting to think that saturated fats cause neurological problems, and that PUFA can help protect against neurological issues as at times I've had some neurological issues like neuropathy and numbness. For example people with MS saturated fat is supposed to be bad for it, but PUFA helpful. And saturated fat is said to increase Endotoxin and as Helen said you need oxidation for your immune system. PUFA is supposed needed for cell membrane flexibility and saturated fat does the opposite which I think may be why it can cause issues. Helen also said if you have a bile insufficiency then you have an EFA deficiency so that may be the case with me as my bile isn't great.

For the last 4 months I've been drinking coffee maybe one flat white every couple of days but sometimes there will be periods will be everyday, it definitely helps and gives me a nice boost that I need on some days. The only thing is I lose weight like crazy when I drink coffee (even from just 1 cup) and I'm already skinny. So I guess it's not great for me. I wonder why I lose weight so much when I drink it, is it because it speeds up my metabolism too much or is it because coffee contains Acetaldehyde which makes mold and fungi issues worse and slows down the ALDH enzyme,. or potentially could be the milk blocking potassium too but the place I go use high quality milk. Or the coffee itself blocking potassium I don't know.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand, do you have MS or related symptoms? I also feel much better with unsaturated fats and PUFA, at least on a neurological, intestinal and even muscular level. I regret following Ray Peat's ideas on saturated fat but everyone is different.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand, do you have MS or related symptoms? I also feel much better with unsaturated fats and PUFA, at least on a neurological, intestinal and even muscular level. I regret following Ray Peat's ideas on saturated fat but everyone is different.
No I don't have MS (well not that I know of as I haven't had a brain or spine MRI) but I have had MS like symptoms such as numbness and tingling in legs, genitals, arms and then twitching on face, also waking up with temporary deafness in one ear. But I think it was from excessive insulin spiking (this can damage the myelin if one has insulin resistance) and things that support proper glucose metabolism like all forms of b1 wouldn't even solve this problem. If I went on a sugar binge and ate like two tubs of vanilla ice cream a few day in a row then I'll experience those symptoms which isn't surprising really with all that sugar, saturated fat and calcium while being in slow oxidation with low potassium. Also likely that the ice cream was feeding yeasts, mold and bacteria which would contribute to the nerve issues too. Aldehydes also contribute to nerve issues so this can be Acetaldehyde from mold, fungi, coffee. Retinal aldehyde which is formed from beta carotene containing veg and fruit.

Anyway right now I'm doing decent maybe the timeline of my previous posts weren't clear but it was last year where I really wasn't doing well. The reason I made this post was because of the blood I have seen in enemas.


Well-Known Member
Same for me with the fasting. Although the first fast improved me a lot. After that just felt like I stopped progression everytime I fasted. I think I was quite deficient in certain nutrients and fasting didn't help with that obviously.

I also have mold here. I will move soon. That being said I don't notice too much from it. Feel the same as always. Decent.
I thought I felt decent too but I would say I haven't really had energy or motivation to do exercise like running etc and if I force myself to then it wouldn't be beneficial either, same thing with studying and business I haven't had much motivation do either kind of just coasting through my days not achieving much. So I think the air I have been breathing in while I was sleeping has always caused this residual inflammation/oxidative stress in me affecting my energy and oxygen utilisation and also my dopamine production. Anyway I bought this expensive air purifier called Air Doctor/Amazing Air in EU which is supposed to be much much better than the cheap ones (I've tried also). I luckily managed to get a new one of these air doctors off ebay which was heavily reduced.

Well using this air doctor and just breathing in the air while it was on had this insane energising effect on me, as if the cells in my body were being charged up, which gave me tons of energy to do running (and felt good while doing it too), started waking up with erections (wasn't before), started dreaming again (wasn't at all before), felt like it took this block off my dopamine production and now I had tons of motivation to do lots of things when before I didn't, if I closed my eyes could now see pictures in my mind and stuff (when before I couldn't).

I also tried sodium chlorite a day ago (oxidiser) and it had a similar effect to breathing in the air from the air doctor purifier so I guess the air doctor is improving oxygen utilisation in the body.

The only issue I had with this air doctor purifier is one day I left it on full blast for the whole day by accident and forgot to turn it off, (usually I have it only on 1/4-1/2 power which worked well), then whenever I turned it on since leaving it on full power that day, I would get this brain fog , high glutamate feeling rather than feeling energised and great from it. So I guess whatever bad mold was in my room got inside of it and now it was just recirculating in the air. And likewise when I slept on my bed the night I left it on full power the whole day, the bedding was making me feel bad while I laid on it and I woke up not feeling good too. So not sure if I should just buy new filters for it or buy a new one but when this thing was working it was a game changer for me.


Well-Known Member
do you have any labs ?
I have an HTMA I need to send off, I haven't done one since november so I'm hoping it has improved, one thing I have noticed is my respiration rate at times is a lot faster than it ever has been so hopefully that's a good sign. There was a period last summer where it seemed like I wasn't even breathing (obviously I had to have been somewhat but I didn't feel my belly going inwards and outwards) and my thyroid felt like a rock back then.


Well-Known Member
I have an HTMA I need to send off, I haven't done one since november so I'm hoping it has improved, one thing I have noticed is my respiration rate at times is a lot faster than it ever has been so hopefully that's a good sign. There was a period last summer where it seemed like I wasn't even breathing (obviously I had to have been somewhat but I didn't feel my belly going inwards and outwards) and my thyroid felt like a rock back then.
Acetylcholine elevated (parasimpatic)


Well-Known Member
Acetylcholine elevated (parasimpatic)
So is that good or bad? The HTMA tests last year showed my potassium was very low which is supposed to mean sympathetic dominance. I heard the body needs to be in a parasympathetic state to heal but then fast oxidation is supposed to be sympathetic dominant?


Well-Known Member
So is that good or bad? The HTMA tests last year showed my potassium was very low which is supposed to mean sympathetic dominance. I heard the body needs to be in a parasympathetic state to heal but then fast oxidation is supposed to be sympathetic dominant?
Forgive me but I don't know how to interpret an HTMA test, where can I read something to compare with blood and urine? I linked your symptoms of "not feeling the breath" as parasympathetic dominance probably due to high acetylcholine but it could also be symptoms of alkalosis in which you are retaining too much CO2? Helen was talking about zinc- and histidine-dependent carbonic anhydrase.


Well-Known Member
Got my latest HTMA back this week, last two pics are previous test from November, there are some improvements CA:K ratio came right down which is good, NA:MG ratio went up (good), cobalt came right down, potassium went up a little bit which is better at least but still not great, big 4 minerals seem low (think might be 4 lows?).

I think drinking a cup of flat white coffee most days or when I feel like it (I do take breaks) improved the oxidation rate as I wasn't doing this before the second last test, cut down on refined sugar consumption massively too.

Think I need to start liver flushes and coffee enemas to improve my results, just annoying I have the blood thing when I do coffee enemas now.

Also started lifting again for the last month and put on 13lb without even increasing caloric intake, I think when I was eating before I was just feeding some pathogens instead of using the nutrients from food correctly, so putting on this muscle has made me gain weight. I am 6ft ectomorph body type and was 132b before started the lifting now am at around 145lb, and I was actually eating quite a lot when I weighed less, so that's partly why I was previously concerned if I had cancer or something.

Any feedback/advice on my results is welcome


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Well-Known Member
High toxic ratios, I think you are detoxing a lot. No expert on this... just mine barely had any (after extended water fasting and more short water fasts). Nowadays, yeah I think I'd be detoxing a lot too.
Keep it up it will get better man. I didn't do liver flushes and I only tried enemas pre water fasting... I know others are really into them though.

EDIT: Didn't read the scale. My bad, doesn't look that bad but 4 lows yeah. Hair mineral testing supplements "chelate/ detox you" I think, more than say "give you minerals to balance you".
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Definitely four lows. Slow oxidation too. ARL and TEI treat 4 lows differently. ARL would be giving you Taurine and tons of calcium and potassium. I believe TEI will treat you like any other slow oxidizer. Potassium is really low, exact opposite of what I always have. Really EVERTHING looks low. How long have you been taking supplements? Everything being low could mean a lot is stored and unable to come out, and it will all go high later.

The only toxic thats showing anything is arsenic, and even thats not really very high.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I read that wrong.. I see mostly acceptable range. Toxic elements barely there. Nice.
Maybe that is from rice or something, I had some of that... and Al once or twice (coke zero).

It is true Slow Oxidizers get same supps from TEI but in different quantities...
In an old thread here, it makes it seem like TEI is replacement and ARL was thought to be faster, but then later Helen liked TEI better. I got tested with both in the past, but only ever ran TEI.