MNK's Log. PSSD Recov 12-18mo 10', 11m-16mo 18'. Treating hEDS/ADHD, Trauma, via HRT+/dex, Crnv, Ketmn. TEI? Jan 2025.


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SLOW 1's do well with
--SOME STIMS (talking low dose ADHD medicine. 2 coffees a day). NOt talking about 5 coffess, max dose ADHD medicine, plus crystal meth and some crack.
--SOME androgens (I mean I kept sarm gains ... they were gone in PFS crash. and it is like I kept em years before fin and also had them again or well that was randro/4andro. more muscle nuclei.. years).
--I guess if you do androgen cycles properly you should keep me but realistically many don't. AND most people used a lot more. AND if I used a lot of randro/4andro, it only helped me.
--Only not using it again because it seems like I am stuck in place then....using a temporary hormonal medicine I needed back then??
--altho ya maybe I wouldn't be opposed to using say ru486. BUT surely TEI and fasting is healthier. Maybe well balanced paleo/if it fits your macros diet. It is just for sure some processed food will raise
--my toxic metals. I waited nearly a year to drink and drank maybe 15x in 6-7 years maybe a bit more like 20. But I quit it in my early 20s thankfully for the most part.
-- I want to vape and take dex and not worry about health stuff. Maybe tei will get me there . I need to give carnivore a fair shot. Talking too much about this right now. I will set it and forget it for now.
-- ON anavar and 200mg of test with carnivore. NO outside minerals (outside of red meat and salt). I am drinking 2 iced black coffees and lots of water (a normal amt 6-7 glasses. more when lifting hard 45-60mins a day versus sometimes 20-25mins).


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MY second test was way cleaner and I swear I was feeling great and looking great but yeah I still had stuff to sort out. I asked Clarke E.\\

I looked great since March April June especially muscle wise and leaner and leaner till into 2019. But I was probably getting balanced and then unbalanced but I am pretty sure almost no one is balanced in real life. Guarantee you I have worked out thousands of times more than Clarke and have fasted hundreds of days more. He was always a fat person and I mean ya nice hairtests I guess he has but I mean so what?

He said:

"No not very good at all…..first and most important thing is the Na/K ratio is quite low. Just above 1. Ideal is 2.5. The Na/K ratio represents the electrical potential across the cells. Can think of this like your cellular battery. As it declines it’s as if your cellular battery is running down. This is relevant bc electrical charge across the cells powers many biochemical reactions."
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and FRANK ZANE never did a single hair test most likely.

AND WHAT slow oxis are supposed to become fast oxis?? I can get closer with stims and androgens. WHY would I need to eat 3-4 x a day? when I have family members that lived to 95 96 eating whatever.

AND calorie restriction and time restricted eating is clearly superior. AND fasted training and eating once a day made me lean and strong and multiple times a day is fucking annoying? Catherine was fine with a couple meals and a bigger meal at night or even one meal a day.

SO people in countries where they don't do this shyt/ don't know about this. say some random country like Iceland or Japan, they're all fucked?? Yeah I don't think so. There are outliers who are healthy af and never did this and there are people who are healthy af and have unbalanced tests. How many people do em? 50k? 200k in the world? And most don't look healthy.

IIFYM and one meal a day and some androgens and stims = healthier and more aesthetic than most of them, but somehow, they're healthier?? IDK about that.

SO people should use TEI to cure every single thing in the world? All mood disorders, PTSD, all hormonal/endocrine problems?

Maybe there are 4 different main types of diseases/ inflammation things and they cause different problems for everyone.

Anyways it frustrates me to still have to do health nonsense, but I will get tested hair wise I guess. But I mean most these people talk so slow and don't seem very exciting/ fun to me.

AND I mean 6 years to look like an average gym goer, when I can get 20x the results on androgens in 4-6months.. is kind of retarded isn't it? I get that maybe Clarke and co don't care about lifitng but I mean that and fasting extends life especially for someone with tendency to gain fat.

IF it keeps me from being up and down health status wise especially mentally then sure. BUT does anyone end their hair test? what happens in 2 years or 4 yrs being off of it? clearly metals will go up, as will toxic ratios. Unless you have no stress and detox perfectly. People get sick again (Not saying PFS crash necessarily, but I mean in general at all). Not everyone lives near an ocean with perfect air etc.


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I guarantee you, lifting 2-3x my body weight, 1000 reps a day, waking and sleeping without an alarm, being lazer focused I was healthier in that time than Clarke is now and has been. I was literally the second strongest guy at the gym. Clarke just does hair test vids? is he going to law school or trading in a competitive market?? Has he done 60 plus real uni courses? Or does he just call himself metals brah??
He's a dbag.

I know zero people in real life that have ever done a hair test (probably). I've know girls that acted and have done modelling, hot waitresses too that have done zero hair tests. Sure some have some chronic health problems but what this guy is a GOD now?

LOL. I agree with some of his shyt like exposing docs that only care about the covid vax and anything against it means "you're an offensive anti-vaxxer", even though it may be one vaccine or so only, that you're against (really rather against being compelled to get a medicine).

Maybe 3 cycles of TEI I will see the light again but I mean what the fuck. Shouldn't the forum have ended at Hair tests if that is all you need for every condition/ chemistry, etc?

I am a perfectionist and yeah maybe my ego is hurt a bit but still. IF hair tests were so great wouldn't all my gains be locked in forever rather than only a few years for some of em?

Where does it end? just get as balanced as possible and then do it a few times every 2 years?
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notes i kept u can tell i was irritated by this pt and didn't have the energy to waste time and energy on health shyt anymore. maybe should have just done this shyt on and on as my next tests were cleaner but i mean really? ev1 has life destroyed by invisible illness unless they do hairtests? only these retards know the truth about health? give me a break.

TEI ARRIVED 09.11.2018 -- SUMMARY -Zn: Cu is way higher now as is: Some other stuff...
--> I EXPECTED THIS FOR SURE. -9/15 ratios on TEI in reference range... severa kinda high.. some low... some super low. --I EXPECTED. -ZERO or near zero toxicity. WAY below ref range (Toxic elements). ---I EXPECTED. -LOTS of Additional Elements. --why not who cares?

-"Slow 1" -- and "Profile 2" , whatever that means. -Actually maybe super high on MOST 6/9 TOXIC RATIOS but low absolute values of TOXICITY?? NOT sure. ---> EXPECTED. - I really do not feel like putting all this on IMGUR. I'll just share it with a few as needed. -V high Significant Ratios for 4/7 things, low for 2... normal for 1. ---> EXPECTED. -SLOW METABOLISM TYPE #1. ** Parasymptathetic Dominant. ** Tendency Toward Decreased Thyroid Function (reduced secretion of hormones).

---> EXPECTED... confirms CANARI's talk with me like 9mo ago. ** Tendency Toward Decreased Adrenal Function (reduced secretion of hormones). --> OBVIOUS. -OK so as an exercise addict my entire mid teens to adulthood ... I'm fucked, but as an obese kid fine? Or super fucked then? Just lol. TOXIC METAL LEVELS: ALL CURRENT TOXIC METAL LEVELS ARE WITHIN THE ACCEPTABLE RANGE (ya near zero). DIETARY SUGGESTIONS:

-*EAT HI PRO EVERY MEAL.. MOD UNREFINED CARBS avoid sugars avoid milk fats and oils reduce em reuce fruit juice intake lol I did all this 15 yrs. --> LOL. -* AVOID Ca and or VIT D supps --> OK DONE. (bad advice from swole). The Following Recommendations Should Be Taken Only With Meals In Order To Increase Absorption And To Avoid Stomach Discomfort (oh boo hoo):



-LOW BODY TEMP? LOL>>> I sweat like fucking hell in miinus 40 centigrade, when going inside or social anxiety elevators buses etc dress like it's hawaii in CANADA.

- LOW BLOOD PRESSURE?? ARE YOU ON DRUGS TEI??? ___> just the opposite when tested.

-ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION --> YA 1.75 years ago on Lamotrigine AND ALSO FINASTERIDE. -PEAR SHAPED ?? --> YEAH BEFORE LOSING 100lb and joing MMA and running 3000 times, and lifting 4000x and walking 4000x too. And I.Fasting like 3000-3900 days. -:


Well-Known Member
Get balanced again and use MDMA... for PTSD/ anxiety. and opening up to hoes more. AND get a trauma pet. 1 or 2 cats. One indoor outdoor kitten and one indoor kitten.

AND*** then yeah great. AND if health ever slips.. use tei again.

FUNNY how Clarke says ppl evolution wise ate all kinds of shyt, like grains and cheese and dairy. NOT true. He was writing about how ppl were thinner. Ya it is insulin resistance: meds, and poisons in food. AND for many less activity. HUMANS were carnivores. Grains 12000 yrs ago. Most food today? 30 yrs ago. Incl. canola oil which just got banned. I am tired of this broccoli head.

Clarke is a retard. I'd solve his health problems in 1 year and did and way worse. I HAD MANIA, PSSD, and extortion and sex function issues at 21 20 and depersonalization and prolly all of PSSD and fixed with insane discipline at 23 24. He solved what? Being fat and slow???

I'm pissed off now. I will look at some cat videos.
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See loads of people DHT maxxing now. I like the effects of DHT but this is the same shit we saw with that Romanian guy androgenapex or something. He was using Proviron and DHT drugs and eventually didn"t get much from it. Whole fucking podcasts about DHT.

DHT in conjuction with other hormones in balance is the best. Just because something is good doesn't mean you need 1000% more of it!
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What will help get my life back on track?

TEI or Test Prop/ Mast or test cream (with dht cream or just test cream)? TEI means probably continuing carnivore until fat loss is done/ I can't take it anymore then incorporating some of their yes foods and not having any or near none of their no foods. Do they even update their food list, and how the fuck do they know what is safe or not in my city?

GOOSE did well on TEI (so did I, I got busy and quit it because it ran out and I figured I'd add some hormonal stuff/ or get back to it), he did well WITHOUT much attn to diet at all. let alone strength training/ outside of work (which must be pretty labor intensive in his case).


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I would just do carnivore for a while. See how you do. TRT pretty invasive. But could be an option. Depends what you want!


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Bro it's been 4 days straight!! I will keep going tho. What no coffee? Anyways yeah I will continue. I don't even think it is TRT, it is more like DHT/RT or like... yeah sure with cream it would be trt.

EVEN that I supposed 3months at least.
I shall stick with this for now. And add test if I really really want it... otherwise try and keep it carnivore only.

Otherwise TRT (TEST PROP AND MAST OR TEST CREAM AND DHT CREAM) plus HCG at times probably.


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TEI notes:

Helen said this to Tar 5 yrs ago or so. AND yeah he says "cured", he means everything almost. I mean vision was way better water fasting and even better after tei, asthma gone 2-3 years (i was very lean tho, gaining weight eating gluten etc brings it back, but in good mental health i would never sabotage that much, only a few days a year eating truly bad).

Autism/ social anxiety would prolly continue lifting. I was ultra confident as fuck and woke and slept naturally without waking up late/ staying under convers. i attacked ev day and felt better than on randro/4andro. pretty good but irritated and like forced to workout and be health perfect during that time. tei felt more... IDK just vitamins/minerals I gotta take to optimize health.

--rather read Helen than Clarke E's.
--maybe people for whom a DRUG works don't wanna do it. LIKE carnivore, well anxiety or ADHD drug works/ u ain't sup to take it but don't let "perfect" be the enemy of good.
--and Ozeph takes a sleep medicine and he's ripped and doing well at 55. AND others too. You gotta do what you gotta do.
--I definitely won't take asthma med on TEI (unless emergency, but that prolly won't happen), and would quit coffee if need be and rely on enzymes/ bile acid, b, mg, and whatever they give that helps dign.
--but i would still take dex, cuz I don't think I am doing tei or anything long long run without dex, unless I love it... and things u gotta do for health are hard to love. DEX will help motivn, focus, dopamine a lot.


TAR said: a lot of stuff about hair tests and u only do that here
and Helen said:

what are you even talking about. this forum is not about TEI or ARL( is not rec'd here at all and especially Dr Wilson) . it is about trying things.

We are doing low vitamin A and all other stuff here. that you are talking about. People go on raw meat high meat and keto. to kill oxidation

As far as TEI is concerned I have 20 people in my skype who are on it for more than 5 years. and they are cured, so I talk from experience, you talk from misunderstanding what HTMA is since you still dont get what they are.

I use HTMA to see body chemistry, that is what I use it for. It is like a comprehensive bloodtest, what do you mean it is not a tool.

It is the best tool I found for myself to see what is going with me and help me during detox and chelation.

it is the tool that shows you where your stress is coming from, but you need to know how to read it.

People are different and their metabolism and toxicities are different. they are not helped by one thing, so secrets travelling in health industry make no sense.

first it was everyone got vegan. and cured their health issues, then people got carnivore and cured their health issues. then it will be this and that.

any extreme diet has problems. eventually

I was toxic in lead. I got lead poisoning, my wife died because of this. and I got lymphoma

now 7 years later after heavy chelation, I can say that I am healthier than 95% of people around me. and my mom always says that I look not older than my son who is 19. and I am in my mid 40s.

chelation of the toxicity which I had fixed a lot of things for me.

And for the first year I was patching things up also.

I moved from a big city to Cyprus, I threw away my cell phone. etc.

of course those things helped me to survive. and not die from lymphoma.and melanoma.

but they did not fix my problem. not even close and I wanted to be 100% not like a handicap, walking around which I did first year.

I avoided so many things, that people around me thought I was fcking retarded.

if you were detoxing mercury and arsenic, and you had your ratios good, that must be the first time I saw anything like that.))

I get hemolytic anemia when I detox things. like that and feel like total garbage and ratios can't not be balanced, not even close when you have those in.

the most important ones are copper zinc, copper iron. until you get those balance, you will always feel like total garbage.

since zinc copper= viral ratio. copper iron = infection ratio.

but you need to understand, it has nothing to do with any ratios. the program is chelation program, and it is like a diet. a perfect diet.

you need to take the program forever. it is like a diet. you can call it TEI diet and not the program, diet which is constanly adjustable for you.

first 2 years on the diet you detox. and then you just get balanced, according to your life style.

My program that I do is fasting, swimming in the ocean and low grade chelating. low grade chelation now. like tiny amounts daily. so I never get toxic in stuff again.

once a year I do big very large dose chelation, and it usually screws me up for about 3-4 months. I can easily choose not to do this at this point. and just stay with low grade and feel 100%, but I just want that stuff out of me. since I see after each one large chelation my health improves insanely.

I use HTMA and find it so much easier to see where chelation takes me and which minerals I need.

but this forum is not about TEI , we try all kinds of things and move forward.

this is why this forum was started. to find best solutions, as oppose to ray peat forum where people were following one dogma. One thing works for everyone.
obviously it does not. Some people did good on Peat , some did terrible on Peat. since people are different. and have different problems.

Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
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[IMG alt="Helen"][/IMG]


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@m_arch and to burn fats, and protein you need biotin and carnitine, and vitamin C. and tons of glutathione ( both b1 and b2) to support that ascorbate. which is needed in most reactions)) this is why it is known as heavy fat diets scurvy

this is why high meat diet, causes cancer

Keto diet is getting older diet IMO. People look really old , lose all their hair on it, and look much worse than sugar people. High sugar people look young, but they get wrinkly skin

Diet needs to be balanced. any extreme diet causes aging.

It was like this 1) 1900-early 2000 - high meat diet, more like keto. 2) 2000- 2015 vegan , high sugar high potassium. now back to 3)carnivore

Sick of these idiots))

In period 1- cancer rate were the highest. then in vegan cancer rates are much lower, but there are problems with a gut.

Russia is mostly keto diet , heavy meat , not many carbs. Age big.


aging in india is VEGETARIANISM (sugar and processed foods and no protein). Pakistanis, pujabis, sikhs, canadian indians like me all eat way more meat and do better.
I have some south indian friends that are 5'11 - 6'2 in canada as well but I am sure it is Canadian food in some way, even if they only eat vegetarian (probably not eating only Indian vegetarian, even if they are, IDK the ingredients promoted their growth versus their parents). Same time, convergent of heights over generations (AT least with adequate/decent nutrition and eating standards).

If we were chinese and our parents ate bad, but we lived here, we'd probably still be taller than our parents (unless they were really tall).

and lack of str training. ppl from there do opposite in the west, even in India gyms are huge business now. Depends where and if u have resources.

RUSSIA i don't think it's the meat, I think it's the smoking and vodka.

b1, b2 sure. KETO yeah i mean a well trained, well nourished athlete with carbs and fat and protein will always age better and look better than just extreme diet.
BUT the top tier 99.9th percentile person will not need to do fuck all and age masterfully. FOR me I can anti age and beat 90 -95% but it takes effort, after 6mo-1year it is natural. HOWEVER
getting sick can definitely fuck me up, unfortunately mostly mentally (depression, anxiety wise).

---carnivore'd be a lot better if i could have turkish food, mid eastern food, greek food, some indian food too, and rice, cheese,, etc. cavitappi, ground beef?? gnochi?? but ya that ain't to heal. with some tei. healthy beef and spinach and rice. roids good too.
-planning meals must be hungry. meals i can't eat.

--note for getting androgens ruined at some point or androgen sensitivity not being as good.
--what happened was prolly i was near cured and beyond that and i continued taking dex and a test booster and mg b enzymes hcl fish oil but was missing minerals for androgens. in 19-20. and then gave up sometime 2022. i worked hard to be healthy and was beyond 100.
--needed to get new tei or smthing. and continue it. i feel sensation in head and empty/ feeling sort or and yeah, tei or hormones wd help a lot. not the first hormones i try but some.
-- i am lacking something for sure and that's why i feel hormones will help. tei and minerals could later but in what sense. and how would i stay non crashed. keep in mind I NEVER crashed at all for 3 years or more. didn't notice a crash. MY first crash on pfs tho was severe and 8months or more.
--it was hell on earth
--I can get better again. maybe being lean and working out more i will be 60-70 on carnivore add tei 85-90 a couple cycles hi again or cured. and then learn what minerals i need for test and dht or to detox. not sure what they are.. and why'd they'd be different for ev1, considering we're the same species.
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NICE! thanks bro what ind of things tho?? Like ADHD, autism and some sexual issues? It will fix my hormones?? I'm sad why didn't i continue i blame crypto and leverage trading. Addiction. Better now but it was worse in 2020. I avoided tons of hot girls to daytrade. It was very messed up. AND also because pfs or whatever was coming back. I felt 10/10 sex drive and urology for almost 2 years after randro/4andro cycling tho which is why I think SOME form of test -- Test cream and DHT cream (or even more dht because test cream raises DHT, bc of hi concentration of 5AR in skin).

OR TEST prop (bc ups dht and is daily and follows natural rhythm and is in and out of body quick and lots like it better than enanthate and cypionate, including some pfs or pssd types or former those)

AND mast.

IF I do those use HCG for sure rite.

BUT minerals are way better than hormones rite?
Where does it end...? until tests are balanced and more balanced, and I go without it 3months and then I am good?

What haps if health gets messed up again? USE TEI or my own minerals as like a replacement program?

I gotta do something otherwise I might go on various test forms and try that and add minerals to em and do paleo. TEI seems better for mood than test cream and mg, b, and detox minerals/chelators myb.

Pretty sure TEI stabilized mood as well or better than mood stabilizer anyways. I wish lamictal worked and didn't cause hairloss in 2016 2015.. or whenever I took it.

Maybe weed in pandemic (medical it helped me) to manage moods hurt my balance, IDK, it helped sex at times but it makes sense it depletes you. Tons of people do drugs all the time and are fine. It isn't heroin or meth. ADHD medicine and weed.

It will make testes drop again and not tight and also get rid of mood issues? BUT what if I eat 1 meal and they say eat several (who cares rite??) what if I eat 5-7 meals varied and they list 2 page of eat and 2 more pages of don't eat... eat none of the don't eats, and eat more of the eats. Can't i just eat paleo and post strength training forever... 30-100 years old?? regardless of TEI.

Wanna lose my autism and be less standoffish and open up to people more in real life. Maybe TEI. LIfelong dex. and when not on TEI, I will use MDMA to work on trauma. And a pet and relnships fixes trauma.

I will get better and make more sense and be more structured, I shall take dex and tei perhaps. AND just do that 2-3mo at a time, wait and retest. And then later just take several minerals. AND then nothing agn. Maybe restore everything with TEI. Why can't I just take 5-6 minerals forever and have perfect urology/endocrinology and also boost test and dht and be enhanced??

AND if not, can't I balance TEST PROP + MAST / TEST CREAM/DHT CREAM and DEXEDRINE with 4-6minerals and enzymes?? Too random and will create imbalances? I'm sorry I know I ask a lot.

Toxic metals are mimiicing/blocking minerals and that blocks enzymes and hormones and makes them not work properly, I guess.

I have faith in what you and RWAC and Helen said... and I mean yeah my TEI results were amazing... maybe I needed to detox more to not be skittish, and continue it. IDK. Maybe more time on it would have solidified it's gains. Now it may be harder tho but that's ok.

Anyone know why I respond to Test and Rad well but not test and var??
Both will lead to hypogonadism tho or something, so TEI is better.

NO reason test cream and dht cream can't just be used forever?


Appreciate your responses bro, I know you're going thru a lot right now too. How's it going by the way?
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Manipulating myself into doing TEI.
Made delicious fillet mignon. Did a damned good job which is great because I cooked did well, did bad, did well, did bad, but this is 9/10 even w just salt and butter. Seasoning would be nice but yeah that isn't part of carnivore.
--literally felt invincible for a couple years after hair testing but yeah things got dark because of markets and isolation and not making all these friends. literally far more than 20 people tried to hangout / ask me out and stuff. as health went down i stopped trying/ knowing what to do.
--i mean after way after PFS. balanced im sure things would have gone smoother and id for sure reject the vax.
--anyways, all i can do is focus on now and gn fwd.
-seeing more abt minerals and all.
--no one knows what to take by itself usually. i am sure i did all to take care of dex imbalance for much of ten year but that and other imbalances i don't know about seem pretty unlikely. so tei it will be.


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Taurine isn't a 5AR inhibitor to my knowledge, but coconut oil definitely is due to it's lauric acid content. This is why I try to find refined coconut oils (XCT, Brain Octane, etc.) with no lauric acid in them.
Yea I know coconut oil is 5AR inhibitor. Crazy shit! Not sure if this is the cause. Just gonna cut both Taurine and coconut oil out.

It seems mostly oils from plants are 5AR inhibitors. Normally I use butter. But thought maybe add some coconut oil to the diet for benefits. I also eat extra virgin olive oil twice a day.

For the rest I do not eat a lot of 5AR lowering foods.

Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
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Drinking a coffee helps. For emergencies coffee can be a savior. Otherwise I am not going to be able to perform today lol. BRAINFOG CITY. Could be the Taurine too. I read some people get sleepy on it. But it feels more like low 5AR brainfog.

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[IMG alt="Helen"][/IMG]


Stop taking crazy stuff and follow the program. taurine, Coconut oil? are you trying to increase already high metabolism. and you ask why 5AR goes down?

Stop concentrating on stupid 5 ar and DHT, this has nothing to do with it.

You stop calcium since it makes you shed more hair )) I thought this is what you wanted.

There is no way a person can balance himself out just by taking random shit.

You are just wasting your time. go on TEI and sit on it.

In your body chemistry, you would do ok, on magnesium b6 b1 b2 small doses plus citrulline.

Thats a rather specific case you mention, about a person that we both did not speak personally afterwards.
I am not sure if i agree, there are several PSSD cures with different neurotransmitters. Perhaps they could improve further and their pre-PSSD baseline wasnt the right state either, but all of them are certain they are pre-PSSD at least.
I would sign for that option right now.

Didnt you mention that a dopamine +serotonine antagonist could work potentially btw?

Having said that, i agree with @RebelWithACause that windows are often nice, but not the same as feeling 100%.
what windows are you talking about, he just started the program. On the program you feel good OFF the supplements.
Goose is almost 100% in some aspects now off the program, Orion is probably at 95% now. and 95% total health, not some pre PSSD, or pre PFS which is a big time sick state.

Yes, I mentioned that dopamine plus serotonin antagonist might work. BUT

You need to understand that high copper is lowering dopamine , and this causes higher prolactin, which retains calcium, you take dopamine receptor agonist, this lowers prolactin, and artifically lowers calcium. BIG deal, are you fixed? NOT even close. That is not even pre SSRI. That is a totally different body chemistry

Instead of regulating minerals, you are trying to regulate receptors. Receptors will never hold steady.

this is why even these drugs demethylating drugs, you demethylate DNA and it all comes right back in 2 weeks, since copper is still there, it did not go anywhere.

This is why people on propecia help tried demethylating drugs, and what happened. It just all came right back down.

I guess, upregulating dopamine receptor can work for a longer period.


st pSSD people is higher calcium than needed for this body chemistry. Why does this happen?

calcium is retained by 2 things, PTH< and prolactin. In PSSD prolactin is too high for the current body chemistry , it should be zero, but it is higher than zero.

In some cases it is every higher than the range. that slows down the thyroid action, and potassium cant enter the cell, thus many people have high progesterone which is trying to retain this extra potassium

Some people in this bodychemisty take vitamin k2 and feel total relief like MarioVitaly dude did.

this is why dopamine receptor agonist helps this body chemistry, since it lowers prolactin. which decreases this calcium and allows progesterone to convert into cortisol

but the real problem is in the brain, which has increased MAO A which lowers this dopamine. IMO


[IMG alt="Walker"][/IMG]


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Yes Helen also said this some time ago.

I do think ARL and TEI can fix a lot though. I have noticed some emotions and issues from the past coming up and it gets really intense for a while and then that emotional problem is gone. You feel cleaner - less emotional baggage.

I don't think it is that easy to fix these problems without ARL/TEI. So I am thankful there is programs like this. Not trying to shit on Deep Healing Space or other guys who do the program. But I think criticism is healthy. And I think these guys could use some more movement in their life. Esp. the guys who are overweight.

For me TEI has definitely pulled me out of a hole.
I would agree, I would never want to stay on the program indefinitely. Once it fixes (hopefully) what I’m looking for it to fix (PTSD), I’m dropping it and going back to just healthy living.

"Don't let your mind control you. Control your mind." - Jocko Willink

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Just take the supps for a month or two and see what happens. You did the hard part by taking nothing for two months.
Follow tei religiously with nothing else.

Without focusing on sexual sides have you seen improvements at all from previous cycles
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Definitely felt cured , ate this early morning or late nite and traded. or donair pizza gluten free. milkshakes and crepes. like a 23 year old. in 2019--2022 at times.

literally only deserts on some days and adding whey and staying ripped nearly the whole time. ATE stuff kinda like that but bc i was dying in 2017. i did this active, walking 10km h and outlifting ev1.

I don't think my imbalances are PFS and if they are it isn't it mostly. FOR sure 1000% sure, trauma/ ptsd (not from war but isolation/trauma, anxiety, fear of failure, difficulty opening up to ppl, autism, and fixing PSSD and PFS on my own -- some key help here tho for the latter). then trying to take care of career agn. do that when all your relatives are surgeons, hedge fund managers, lawyers, etc. there's pressure and no time for your invisible illness.


Well-Known Member
Outside of lifting and assuming id take PEDs later for gains (make you look better and I looked great), and just using ashwagandha, dex, and weed, and nicotine. "when u are cured u take nothing." exactly.
I can probably for sure fix imbalances. In 2019 summer and 2020-2022 when I couldn't take it anymore, I'd buy weed and get trades done/ try and study but was addicted to/ needed the market.

weed yogurt and pudding. i did this .. fitter than ev1 in my bldg except 1-2 ppl (and ya i am sure at the end i was less fit but mostly i ate well i was just rushing back at times for leverage trades and shyt).
and going to buy better groceries later after i slept or whatever. avoiding ppl doing grocery runs fast at nite or next morning when still awake or ordering mc'ds. or donair etc.

NOT SURE WHAT's with this server i'd gladly have paid subscription all since 2018 and 2019 2020 esp for this site to work. 100 a year or something.. for it to work now is a little late but whatever.

I was showing u guys a photo of yogurt and 8 weed edibles showing u i was surely great health in 2019. and also next photo was yogurt, almonds, and listerine. back to normal crazy life (no real food or only real food).
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Rock hard erections appeared in normal health, with randro/4andro and electrolytes around that time (LOTS of stuff actually but say around June july 2018), and after and during TEI but maybe especially after for a time. Which was better for mental health, I guess... TEI for sure. Upping dht was stressful. BUt test dht cream should be good. I am on and off test and var but will try it. Not taking dex. sticking to carnivore may as well try some drugs, and they may as well be androgens. But if i feel like ah this is wrong then i won't.

Having a diet model at least gives me some life structure. I think I was racing against eventual health falling and had perfect or 95% health and looked better than ever minus a bit older, so I thought all would be fine but that became harder to maintain every 4-6months... so I wanted to continue TEI but then 2.5 -3 yrs later, I was like: "i already cured this i am sure, so why would i need to do that again?" but realistically, tei alone and lifting and eating pretty good is a lot easier than ordering ru486, carefully titrating it, my first long water fast, learning to lift, shower, shave , walk, and live again.

It is literally minerals and I think it is part of natural health stuff. Some call it alternative health. I think either is accurate. I think a strong diet and supps from TEI will detox 90% or way more of what the issues are.
Their exact diet and good sourcing stuff maybe 99-100 but, I mean keto or carnivore or paleo and carbs and not eating their "do not eat list", what's the difference. You could just eat one or three things/meals form their lists too.

And I am not sure if recommendations and supps are near the same for slow 1's and fast 1's, for instance. And maybe their diet recs are like "don't eat kale" for both slow oxidizers and fast oxidizers.
I remember no nightshades as well, but maybe that is not true for their fast recs.

Full testicles appeared sometime in sept-oct or so 2018 and maybe a bit earlier, but then went away at some point in 2021 2022, at least at times. And then I learned about HRT/TRT and TRT++, and yeah I mean I am sure HCG would help that, but it doesn't for everyone. TEI is a more long term better solution perhaps, but why does it fix all minerals and enzymes??

Aren't enzymes made of proteins and hormones are made of proteins, aminos, or steroids?? You need minerals for it to all work.... and metals mimic and block minerals and even hormones sometimes??
TEI and the like make you lower estradiol and make androgens work better, if you need that (which I probably do). BUT at the same time, it isn't about 5AR and all that, TEI fixes everything and lots we can't see and understand?? What does that even mean??

Where would one learn which minerals to take, to do it faster than TEI @bruschi11 and @RebelWithACause or is it just trial and error and narrowing down from the supps they give a client?
Over time I realized b1, b2, or some b and mg help dex a lot. and aminos. and so I took mg 12 yrs even when I used coke for ADHD I took mg the next morning.

Can't I add some minerals that chelate and make test and dht and 5ar strong?? No right, gotta follow program?
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Well-Known Member
--notes carnivorez:
-- ya minerals soon. being mean to these dicks clarke e and msana carnivore she had some racist shyt and think she's a retard but.. htma still good. clark engelbert has some good pts even tho he is mostly
--a douche.

Maybe the carnivore diet isn’t for everyone ?​

My hair is falling out I’m getting rashes all over my body My mood is flat and lethargic yet stable/ grounded
I would be very grateful for anyone who has advice on these issues. I believe in this way of eating but if these symptoms persist I don’t know if it would make sense to keep going on carnivore.. Here’s some more info on my situation.
Male, 22, 180lbs, 2 months carnivore
(My carnivore lifestyle breakdown) Weekly-
5 ribeyes (16oz) 5 pounds of GFGF beef 36 eggs roughly Stick of butter daily Beef tallow/ ghee (cook with) Bacon/ ground pork sometimes Remineralized water Electrolytes
(Exercise/ health modalities) Weekly-
Strength training (3-5 days) Hyperbaric oxygen treatments (3 days) Red light sauna (3 days) Cold plunge (5 days)


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8mo ago

Yeah, it's actually not for everyone. I find it's indispensible for dealing with autoimmunity. It is an extreme elimination diet. It WILL have impacts on your gut microbiome. Some people's genes may not support this kind of diet. I'm ancestrally Germanic/Scandinavian. I do extremely well on this diet, but someone with a more equatorial or tropical origin may not. People will discount this. They'll downvote me. They'll argue. But, it's just simply fucking true.
Don't let zealots make you think your life is magically going to be better because of this diet. If you have autoimmunity? Sure. Cancer? It will help, although fasting is more important.
Oxalates are not why your fucking hair is falling out. It might explain the rashes, but meh. I fucking doubt it.
I'm wondering what your reason for getting on it was in the first place?


Carnivore Diet Success Stories
This group is for sharing Carnivore Diet success stories and providing positive news and information regarding Carnivory. However, you define your Carnivore Diet is fine by me. That said this is not a Keto group. This is a meat-based group, you should have the opinion that all your nutritional nee
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66 g fat. 45 75 gp and more 85 90gp, 110gfat or so 1250-1350cals maybe a bit more. tiny small trky sausage. butter fillet mignons (60 bucks for 4. expensive but damn good from a store that's a lot). 120 for steaks 140 and 20 a day i have seen in usa and this is beef capital of canada (i guess they all are kind of but especially the prairies). and 2 grass fed but frozen (no processed tho) beef burgers. yum!!

i would love yogurt, chaat papri homemade with rice gluten free crisps.. and tamarind and hot sauce and this and that. but ya i barely ate that stuff anyways. i felt sad and upset but test and var work decently good but ya ive had better sexual health. test dht is better. test cream test prop and only after fasting, tei, cycling and recomp, and detox . i.e. whenever i want cuz i did all that in spades.

if tei destroys that or if it is faster after some consistent hormones then fuck it ill do that. lets go.
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