I think many cured cases in PSSD have learned their lesson and found other ways to deal with their anxiety. But you are right, also the bad things return. Perhaps TEI could help with in the future too, lets see. So far it looks like very slow route.
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Helen and MNK99
[IMG alt="MNK99"]https://hackstas.is/data/avatars/m/1/1389.jpg?1534586312[/IMG]
Well-Known Member
-YA me too. Never used those things again, but for other reasons too.... AND none worked or if they did, did crazy things but unique case mostly.
-I just didn't treat it and found true or more realistic cause. But my issues worsened. BUT serotonin isn't the happy neurotransmitter as AREA and IHATEFIN, and me.... and others, Helen, agree.
-They're terrible. SNRI's/SSRI's. NO doc in family likes em. BUT* acute cases are different, and there are meds out there. But ev1's different.
-NEARLY most docs I know don't like them (the ones I like, are friends, aren't morons... some probably do but not for my issues or professionals, or ppl who gotta get things done). Psychiatrists... probably different story. Mine hates giving meds unless absolutely needed and for a short time for most ppl.
-I mean my anxiety got to zero tons of times, and that got better. But is still there (you need some, otherwise... no good), but other things caused most of it in first place.
-Drugs and alcohol also bad for anxiety, but better than SNRI's/SSRI's. Or overworking/running/training/fasting also better. Lithium Orotate for some.
-Cholines... ALpha-GPC, and Citocoline Joekool and Area told me about, looked into it, yeah m better. And even MMJ*.
-Walking, Journalling, Writing, Art, CBT, Talk-Therapy, GF, BF, SPOUSE - sometimes all those things. Are all better.
-I could not see it at the time when I was manic a year to two years. BUT: Later, I saw I became like 100x stronger after. And FIN: Pretty DESTROYED.
-BUT: Also getting stronger and am for the most part.
-I am still a Clusterfuck. But, don't worry everyone you can get better from PSSD and PFS.
-NEVER MAKE THIS MISTAKE AGAIN. It's a bitch, for sure.
-How slow? Like 6mo? 1yr? 2yrs? Plus? Damn.......
Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
--MNK99-- ADHD. -_TEI 3-4 cycles 2-4 yrs will cure all issues/ myb crnvr. fasting and electr.. I cured PSSD in like 2009 2010 -and pfs 2018 2019. Strength training and higher androgens/better receptor sensitivity, detoxing was key. -priority: crnvr-->tei. need 20/2/500. 50;200.
--Crnvr 45-90d, 9.26-12.27 TEI 275d. -maybe with medicine then cofactor minerals, then remove em. 2. TEI. --3. Psyches: MDMA, myb Psi, Ket.. NF TOO. [d40%, c40%, p20%]., **[SELL 80%.]** -- Stoicism,medn. Minerals soon. No coffee, no nic, no dairy = better energy.
--what you people don't realize is that entities like me cannot be killed. Nor can we be created. We are older and younger (aging backwards) than the universe. You'll never understand me and torture doesn't work. --torturing me only gets me off. DEX-DHT-ivore vs. Mineral-ivore.
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[IMG alt="Helen"]https://hackstas.is/data/avatars/m/0/90.jpg?1527030836[/IMG]
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Staff member
@Troy The major problems with electrolytes and minerals is that people have to test a lot of things. and take tons of shit. There is a program TEI for that.
Since I wont be able to keep telling what to take. Look at Herrfish, Goose, etc march, people who are on the programs, they are already optimizing themself.
Look at Admiral, he was ready to kill himself not that long ago, and now his thinking and attitude is soo much better,
Plus you can relax which is also very important. ON ray peat forum people fly back and forth constantly , trying stuff, but with TEI you are given stuff, with tests and you just relax and take it and live your live, you get away from supplement and looking what is wrong with you. You just trust the program and go on . and start living the life.
Look at how many forums like phoenix rising, like this or that, constanly looking for cures. but their knowledge of the balncing is like 1/1000000- of TEI. So those people fuck themselves up all their lives.
To me you either fast, eat healthy and swim in the sea daily.
Or go on a program , or something like electrolytes protocol which gives you anything.
IF you want to screw around with hormones , you could for a short term.
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barbaar, Niles and MNK99
--for ppl that thought i was rambling... helen and i are in complete agreement (here and many areas), Fast, swim daily, eat healthy. so why were you mocking fasting and eating healthy???
who has results? ya that's what i thought.
--these are my notes. for me. -- it isn't gibberish u could delete my thread i still am 90-95%.i can do carniv and fix life or fast. and fix life or el-protocol and fix life. or tei.
--it is good to learn from this site again.
--also: all those anabolic ratings and anabolic: androgenicness ratios are made up, ask DEREK of MPMD or dr. Downey. This guy who lifts and is a doc.
--he details steroids.. and so does the Anabolic Doc.
--just some notes fellas. you wouldn't understand my notes for graduate papers or high school papers either, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing.
True it is easier to help and solve other issues with mor knowledge. I am sure regardless of protocol (personalized protocol, mine... ) I can borrow from others. Entropy basically did this with Swole Source and agreed doing your own thing is wise. Whether that means: DIET mostly or entirely, or Minerals on my own, or Diet and then a Mineral Balancing prgm is fine with me. I bet in future, I will have streamlined approach but I am trying to be pragmatic and quick about it. Self belief is important.
I won't say anything at all, I'll just get it done. This is a schematic of my plan and can be summarized as:
--diet mostly... and mineral balancing. maybe one day only my own minerals based on hairtest and testing things there + oligoscan and hormonally.
--but regardless, I want to get rid of anxiety, depression, and live my fullest life so diet mostly. It may be a different diet long run. Many people change approaches. May be mineral bal long run may be
--my own minerals but DIET works for me well. JUST NEED To get over hurdle of failure and have more self belief and stick to it and really limit dairy and also cheat days (maybe 2-3x in 21 days now).
--that is pretty good. a pretty clean and good diet but then u add dairy days and it is like 5-6d in 21 and it isn't even that bad, probably a better diet than 90% of people but to help anxiety, depression
--and neurocognitive things long run forever, and be the best man I can be in all regards, I need more strength and discipline in that diet. I can add 4-5minerals there, maybe a chelator at times, or just TEI.
--They work well for me. I don't have time or patience to "learn everything about it". No one does and I learned more than 90-95% of people here or on Swole. And about me, more than 99.9% .
--it really doesn't matter, someone with no info, learns well too.
--I have tons of family that are physicians half of what they learn at med school is wrong, you think stuff in nutrition and elsewhere, assumptions about minerals aren't mistaken either? LOL you need to
--act based on asymmetric information. EVEN in law (maybe especially in law) the evidence and information isn't all "real and legit, factual", you do the best you can regardless.
--I can fix any libido., sex drive, LH issue with Carnivore only. I can do it with other diets. really doubt that if carnivore takes 6-12 weeks straight to do really well, that some other diet takes 1 week.
--actually I am sure that carnivore takes 2-3 weeks to get in the groove. I messed up here and there and even w/ going to bed late, I am not that hurt.. after 6 or 7 days near strict adherence like 98% carniv.
--I do assume mito and auto happen more with strictness and less and no dairy. makes cheating less likely too, no insulin spiking, no sugar. Keep ketosis and whatever going on. I mostly like the physique
--changes, motivation, and autophagy, and mitophagy.. and what it's done for so many with bipolar, schizophrenia, schizoaffective, even PFS, lyme, CFS, hEDS etc.
--1. Crnvr 45-90d, 9.26-12.27 TEI 275d. 2. TEI. --3. Psyches: MDMA, myb Psi, Ket.. NF TOO. [d40%, c40%, p20%]., **[SELL 80%.]** -- Stoicism,medn. Diet mostly, and I can do own personal minerals. or TEI. Practical. Possibly my own diet wh has minerals long run, but sc, tei work.
It is Diet and then minerals for me. Established diet + balancing program, or my own. Meds I can take or leave. (left and less adherence to diet. see like 95-97% strict carnivore,bc of dairy and then mess ups... sometimes, so 90%. while that is GOOD. that isn't good enough for mitophagy, autophagy. Minerals are easier/ I will get tested, but If I can fix health forever w/ variaus diets, ill try. 10.03-1.04 25=91d).
*This is my meat, there are many meats like it. My meat is my best friend, it is my life. I must master it like i must master my life. without me, my meat is useless. without my meat, i am useless. i will before god and swear, my meat and i are defenders of my country!!! *
Please note: anyone from discord or wherever, twitter that comes here, I was recovered in page 12. rest of this is tripping, after some disability as well as note re: minerals, carnivore, etc.
I wasn't in a good place for a bit but yeah it is getting better. I need to be strict for max AD effects, max anti anxiety affects, and to help neurodevelopmental issues and spinal/soft tissue/ musculoskeletal issues. Not PFS related but also chronic.
Just a good video here. I may listen to in bkgrd.
oh ok my bad thought you said you started it and stopped
i did .,. just didn't take it long enuff. regardless, hcg, test cream... diet and minerals will be stronger. for the beginning phases of carnivore some meds to stay the course may make it easier.
i see me being cured, and fixing other health issues in either case. end of the day, HCG won't hurt me, nor will test cream.. maybe 6mo-8mo from now I'd take or go on and off test, then I have to restard, but PCT can be done with diet, minerals, or pct meds. I gotta stick to it... o/w I falter. I think I messed up only 2days in 16 or 17 of carniv. and i think it bc i went off medicine be it dex or test cream and ppl getting mad at me in real life and online. ya maybe i'm super sensitive but ... that's part of the reason im trying this and for mood lability. If diet and tei fix mood and trauma.. in a year or 18mo cool. but if i can help em in 2 weeks too, that's good too. Can take or leave test cream, and the like, or dex Regardless, health will be pushed further along, and psychedelics etc will work well in future.
--on a really good streak, i try and search for answers i can't find (it isn't me being so sick, it is just usually i can figure out things but cant always some i cant). and then i mess up and then eat some bad food. but maybe 2-3/17 days. no dairy no crash but bad for mh, physique,
--Walker said this on Discord to someone:
And yeah it’s a lifetime commitment. IMO. If you take enough measures to potentially lower antibodies and fix the root cause you can probably get off meds at some point. Things like TEI, etc. but they take so fucking long you miss out on years of feeling better if you just medicated
Really to see if you had autoimmune thyroid you can test for TPOab and Thyroglobulin AB
--and I agree. That is for thyrodi, autoimmune condition perhaps but I take it can be done for other issues as well.
--meanwhile Helen would say stay on TEI back in day to me, it was curing all things. I was doing super well on it.
--some here continue to have the last word but I need to live life and not waste time, I am not going on wild goose chases. 1-2 yrs of TEI i'd be cured everything. 1 year even. and beyond great.
--and If i can do that with diet fine, not sure how it affects most other people, it doesn't. I'll improve regardless.
--I will try and keep diet really strict and that should bring thyroid, free t, reverse t4, tsh, to optimal levels. And not screw me up.
--I never said I'd be on carniv forever and I mean there are ppl that are extremely optimal or near it. I don't want to do TEI for 5 yrs and doubt I'd have to do anywhere near that.
--I am sure in better health (so with adherence to this diet or any other number of things), that TEI will yield better results. As would my own mineral balancing and tests.
--Maybe I am too down to get blood tests and HTMA. I am staying on my protocol and trying to live now... not ten yrs or 3 yrs or 2 yrs from now. I can add medicine and quit it, I had results on TEI
--while using ADHD medicine and I barely used any. I quit coffee and nicotine and I mean I am not taking ADHD medicine, and what do you know, I slipped up on diet. No test cream? WHY.
--even with fuckups with some ADHD medicine and test / dht.. I am better. I will be even better later on nothing, and after minerals. but why live suffering rite now? When I can get better overall and
--be on nothing later. I see zero evidence of anyone getting better following people that criticize what I'm doing. I got way better at everything and went thru more than most people.
FROM some old message on discord:
I told this kid I was BPII and ADHD but i was just trying to get him to realize his issues, on top of PFS can be solved, all simultaneously or dealt with and he can still recover.
I'm so complicated, it's insane. I think more ASD + ADHD. and at different times in life, I fit 20-50% of the criteria ... for a lot of things, but basically, I am closer than ever in ASD/ADHD as caused by and developed alongside hEDS/HSD. I was just making a point to that kid, but yeah I suspected BPII years before but no. I feel good treating ADHD and was just missing weed or a psychedelic but yes with hypermobility and life structure issues, that can be messed up. And strength and joint stability is very key. Minerals and diet. Labels don't matter as much. Small imbalances over time grow and can be corrected. I used ADHD + BPII at times but really the learning difficulties, spinal stuff, wandering, swaying, etc... ASD+ADHD makes a lot more sense, especially considering suspected Hypermobile spectrum or hypermobile ehlers danlos.
--cutting n pasting and fixing what i said earlier, but a great msg was there, and lost... damn. i was cutting/ summarizing. You don't understand how ADHD + spatial awarness/ thought disorder/categorization issues/ in exec f'n affects me. It is likely ASD+ADHD. I won't ruin my life over shame or having such a diagnosis, but that's why I wrote many paragraphs as a kid. If u think this is one rant.
--you're stupid. this is collected info from what I learned and also random stuff I want down on paper so I don't need to think about it anymore.
--if this hurts your healing, you are probably a shitty person and won't heal anyways.