Electrolyte Protocol for Improved Health


Well-Known Member
Your advice was bad. you know nothing.
and yeah the minerals I needed are correct due to -- my connective tissue disorder, that and ADHD/Autism.

B6 for autism.
b1, b2 for digestion/metabolism
Mg for digestion and for stimulant side effects and joint instability.

The minerals I added were literally what Helen said that those meds depleted. I needed to buy them but yeah I never crashed since 2017 and I fixed PSSD etc with no one's help in early 20s.

Calling me a loser, when you're bedridden and literally didn't even exercise much to fix PFS, and when you think everything is some mystical mineral deficiency, makes zero sense.

If you can't read because you've been sick for 20 years, just say so.

Your practitioners aren't helping you bud.
I remain 97% cured PFS... and 90% treated ADHD ON NOTHING.
My ASD is barely noticable by most except I am quiet in real life.

Calling me a loser bc of trauma, hEDS (hypermobile ehlers danlos or similar), and Autism... and saying I have a shitty life, is retarded. Sure my life can be better, but I was pretty fucking elite 2018-2022.
Trauma from losing millions, yeah that's stressful. SO WHAT... lots do that in business and come back.

You need to rest and maybe stop smoking weed (which Helen and I among others suggested years ago). If this is too wordy for anyone, I'm sorry but be smarter.

Screaming at me to STFU, I'm 6'0 and 200lbs (muscle mostly but not peaked, otherwise 185-190 and yeah I'd fucking destroy you) dude, I'd end you in a fight.

Your advice has barely ever helped anyone. I only came here to fk around end of 2018 with others doing well and help ppl where I could.
Pretty sure I cured PSSD faster than 99.99% of ppl and PFS faster than 99% of ppl too. Maybe not stable recov but 95-98% of pfs gone. Sex therapy, help with trauma (psychologically) would do the rest.

Where are the forums full of people recovered from minerals??
I literally only partially believed it would help and had the best results on this forum with TEI.

SO ya I did well. And Ill fully cure PFS again. Don't need to know everything but I'm pretty sure I'm one of the smartest people here, even if I don't concentrate on learning all the hormonal, enzymatic, etc pathways. It helps few ppl. There's more than one way to optimal health. Doing things 90% rite is fine, and things like diet, fasting 100% fine or 99% well (like 100% water fasting correctly, but not 1-2mo, is still 99% good). Same with carniv. I am not in desperate need of yours, Helen's etc's help.

Helen may have left bc he saw ppl like me and others get way better and others fk themselves up. Not saying it's his fault, but it is the nature of these places. Some ppl are going to harm themselves.
It is the nature of these illnesses.
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Staff member
@MNK99 you know I’m talking to you in pm. I had to write here too cuz I sound like a dick above.

I’m a loser failure too. To be on internet talking tons on these forums not living life.

You aren’t as sick as me. You can beat this and go live a good life. But I don’t think you understand the advice that ultimately comes from this website. The purpose. Test. Don’t guess. The electrolyte in the cell comes first.

That’s what this thread is about.

Everyone in this alt health world guesses and doesn’t test. And it’s a bad look. It doesn’t work.


Well-Known Member
True without testing, it can't be precise and people can stuck in a loop... reinforcing the mineral deficiencies that they were not attending to (or getting imbalanced in a different way).

I get it ... like I can do hairtests I got 2 paid for, oligoscan I can do that, but I need to make time. And I mean, in weeks I will be more motivated bc I am slowly adding more weight lifting back.
Being more strict on diet, maybe fat adaptation will happen and it will be easier, to be strong enough to do this.

It was hard enough to get back to living and out of bed, and like even see a doctor. But I feel that carnivore and then mineral balancing isn't bad... it will be hard at times/ detoxing and if I err, it will cause
retoxification symptoms.

The reason I don't have a practitioner is the same reason it took a long time to get a G.P. and test cream and an ADHD script again. Trauma, distrust etc.

I am not obsessed with keto, literally my best physiques and life had me eating 80-200grams maybe at times 250-300grams.. but it has its merits. DOING SOMETHING for 5days or 10d = no merit.
Too much dairy rite now to be in keto and yet more discipline and only eating dairy I make ... is better, and I barely eat it. And I mean I have some normal to ev1 stomach /water retention.

Meanwhile, yea there's none on just meat/fat/salt/water. Anyone who thinks they know more than some of the best docs in the world for all health things are just mentally unstable charlatans. I don't mean for PFS, I mean like you know for neurology conditions. MY RDA is likely high. Guess what your stupid tests don't show Mitophagy, Autophagy, Mitochondrial repair. NOR does it show how somebody feels.

Didn't Swole Source and all of them say bloodwork and testing is useless. I guess I have forgotten here it was about testing.. and yet most of us who improved barely ever did, we just used discipline and saw things thru. Like I will see TEI thru.. that should be good enuff... that or this protocol here.

I was being nice dude, I don't actually want your help... you were obsessed with pathogens, enemas, and just never got anywhere and got sicker and sicker. I actually do believe in hairtests, I just needed a reminder. They and the rite supplementation can be powerful tools. HOW sick are you if my long writing or my own log which u can look at in july 2018 I was better off than 99.9% of pfsers and pssders , do you need to be for long writing to ruin your life? how fucking stupid do you need to be as well? I was reading and writing at a uni level when I was 12. I'm sorry for your low i.q.

Literal ADHD/autism and neuro stuff that I was born with and sure some imbalances over time. I bet my net worth I'd solve it solo faster than you.

Your last modicum of credibility is long gone in my view.
Mocking me who the fuck do you think you're talking to?? Everyone with results in 2018 thought you had severe mental instability then...

MY log was shortened to 18 pages and my second one was 12 pages and like 3 of them were needed... your logs were 55 pages and 80 pages and you went insane chasing pathogens, this and that... and shooting down anyone doing better than you.

"You can’t give in to fact you need help from someone who knows this stuff better than you."

Any of those people here?
Most people err in their health journeys. I was joking about ppl on any forum, 5.5 yrs ago that's how cured I was and how quickly. using this protocol all yr nearly and TEI at the end.

My current health issues mostly have nothing to do with FIN, or PFS. LIke WUF's issues were mostly UC, I am sure, as hydrocortisone helped him.

AS per ME, McCurtone, Tubzy,... El-protocol seems to work even on KETO. Good to know.
Whether he adds it all or some... or I add some Or do it all,that will help a lot.

Tubz says: :TubZy — 08/27/2023 8:13 PM To Outlaw who was gonna try it sort of on a whim.

TEI/ARL is a long long term approach you have to be committed for years and you can’t take any other supplements during that time otherwise it will skew your body chemistry and hair test, that was one of the reasons why I didn’t stick with it and went electrolyte protocol instead. but in terms of it being legit or not it has some merit there"
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Well-Known Member
All I’m saying is I can try to help you if you just shut the fuck up dude. Sit down and listen to someone who understands this stuff more than you.

Cuz you know nothing. “Tei, fasting, carnivore.” Shut up!!!!!!!!

Just don’t say a word. Do a fucking oligoscan and a hair test. And I’ll talk to you. Maybe do an oats, get a doctor on hand to look at hormones. Just shut up it’s 2024 use resources for testing and get someone who understands this stuff to help you.

The thing is I don’t think there are many who understand this stuff. That’s why I’m offering you a hand.
You must think really highly of yourself, despite being in such a low place for ten years or more.
No one wants to read your shit anywhere.

Literally offered you SOL if u actually helped me..one SOL is like 160 usd, and worth like 455-800 dollars next yr.
So yeah I am serious about getting better but not with infidels.

@bruschi11 why'd you delete all your haterass messages to me? anyways have a nice life.

EDIT: oh maybe it was gone cuz I had you on ignore. Later you'll delete them out of shame, or you won't because you have zero ethics, morality, standards, work ethic,... and value.

"Just don't say a word"... people a lot bigger than you and a lot more intimidating than you can't fuck with me, but you think you can?
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Well-Known Member
A lot of people here (not all) are immature because most of us had lack of hormones in youth and puberty. If you are hypothyroid or any sickness related to that you're going to stop development of the brain in my opinion at certain age. Even Gboldeuv said with POIS some people looked like kids at 40.

If you also had trauma's on top of it like PTSD from something very bad/hurtful happening when you were a kid you're going to be a toxic individual that is scared of life. Thats why I felt like a four year old in a 26 year old body. It's scary this is even possible. But it was real.

I sometimes meet other people who have the same problem but are unaware! Women and men.

Now I feel more like 18 years old. lol Still immature. But I can handle life somewhat. I am 32 years old now. Normally you'd be a fully grown adult at this age. But in my mind I am not.

A lot of musicians have it too. Creative people, etc. It's not a bad thing 100%. Just have to accept part of it and see the good things from it. Even if it's "COPING". Everybody copes with existence with different ways (religions, diets, belief systems, money, sport, etc.) It's not bad to be a bit autistic. And nothing to hate yourself for. But it can be upsetting sometimes when certain things don't work out.

I think we all here, you, bruschi, me, and others get frustrated sometimes. It sucks to have issues with health on top of life putting pressure on it. But it's impossible to judge each other in the state they are in. Because I might be way worse or better than someone here. What works for me doesn't work for the other. So you have to give each other the space to improve in their own space and pace.

I have had people tell me I am retarded because of the way I am because next to them yes I am way worse health wise. But then I meet someone else who is worse than me and I see that they struggle with things that are basic for me.

So let's stop the bickering. Both you guys are doing your best. But as you can see we probably all at different points in this journey.


Well-Known Member
BTW not saying this forum should be a kumbaya blowing smoke up each others bum. But I have noticed that most people will do what they do no matter what you tell them. So it works better to just support them in THEIR ways of doing things.

So going at each other is useless lol. People are at different levels and different understanding.


Staff member
I enjoy your thoughts @RebelWithACause . Philosophy. At its core. That is what I live by.

And basically my current philosophy as to why I got this sick?……

Cuz I wouldn’t shut the fuck up and relax and listen to people who understood this stuff better than me.

Gbold understood this stuff really well. I didn’t speak to anyone with any type of education like gbold until August 2022. Since then I’ve spoken to several.

Who utilize biochemistry. The Krebs cycle, glycolysis , the electron transport chain, methylation. The hormones. Started there . They learned this stuff. And teach people health through these.

95% of people who get better don’t learn this stuff and get lucky. Like me and @MNK99 in 2017/2018. We didn’t learn shit. We got lucky with a few “protocols.”

Now I know if you get autism or neuro disease. You have your big things to look at . Everything is connected. And it has nothing to do with luck. When you actually are treating the diseases so you can be in the 5%. Who didn’t heal with luck. And if you’re in the 5 % who learns the body? You’re not going to relapse like me and mnk did.

Anyone and everyone who is fucked up: will have issues that are easily identifiable and approachable with testing.

The problems are when it’s too late for someone. With Parkinson’s or dementia. I’m worried this is my case. Gbold worried about this for me too… 5 years ago.

That said. While I slowly try to save my life I’m helping people. I don’t talk to PFS people really I have one Parkinson’s/ PFS recovery friend . Besides that I talk to people with chronic illness.

Last night I spoke to someone who told me what he learned from me for free was far more than he got from paying $1000 for two sessions with Chris Masterjohn.

I’m a resource. People are seeing me as a resource with information for these types of issues. I’m giving mnk a chance to use me as a resource but he would rather act like a kid in his 20s who just got sick.

I’ve spoken to people in their 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s the last few years. It’s the younger people who really just can’t figure shit out as they’re all over the place like @mnk thinking of one thing to the next.

Then there’s the older people in their 50s-60s who think they know everything like @mnk.

People in their 30s 40s for most part who get their head into this shit. Dig deep. Be humble. Become a scientist a biochemist of the body. Learn the body. Educate yourself. Be a man.

People who succeed shut the fuck up and LEARN. From my point of view, @mnk hasn’t tried to learn anything. But just talks.
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Well-Known Member
You're quite wrong... I have tried and I did a lot... I did the el- protocol, I did some not enough TEI.
And I did 97% of Cd's, from memory the fasting, the juice cleansing before that, cold showers for most of 20 yrs, carb backloading after lifting, herb rotation weeks to months, and then Randro/4andro.
Meditation and other things too. I only didn't do bodybrushing and the bathmate. I was going to add that but I got busy in life, and I was making great progress here.

Ru486 before some of that. And ellaone at some pt.

Now I am trying diet again... and also lifting and soon I will add mineral balancing. What exactly haven't I tried?

I didn't get lucky - it was hard work and discipline. Don't compare me to you. You know very little and distracted yourself and backpat yourself all day. You may know some stuff that I don't and so do many people. But just because you have certain opinions doesn't mean everyone else is suffering horribly. I am quite humble and you think you're some guru. I tried way more than most people and I was super consistent, did some of that fall off? yes. But most of my discipline fell off when I was injured, with an actual disability. You don't know 1/1000th of what I know. I don't mean PFS, I mean things that actually matter.

There's 2 main things I'm trying. One is mineral balancing and was one of the main things on this site, and I had results day one bc I was actually balanced. I talked to Ihatefin, Tubzy, and many others, Like Swaz. Niles. and Rwac. Etc. I may try a third thing but that I am like 70-80% sure on mineral balancing, the other thing is diet. The other thing is just some test cream to try it out. I am not sure what your problem is.

I have like 2 symptoms of PFS, and a handful of main ones for my other longer term condition. I am taking no coffee, no dex and doing pretty well but not my best ever. Not sure why you're so hateful and spiteful. I was beyond cured and better at all aspects of life, most of that still is true. I can quickly solve depression but for years to come it will take time. Severe anxiety too and a bit longer.

You don't get to make a scene, never apologize and tell me to shut the fuck up.
And say I got lucky.... really? Why am I still muscular? Why can i lose fat and put on muscle correctly? Why do I respond to androgens?? Why do most foods not ruin my digestion (I am sure weeks and weeks of either no diet model, or just processed junk would).
Why do I respond *like that* to zinc, mg, b minerals (not listing all).

Why do I sleep no issue, wake up on time? Why do different diets effect me and all good.
Don't question my discipline.

Talk about yourself and not me, you don't even know me. I was back to life and living and maybe I could again in 6mo to a year. You have zero idea. I am far healthier than you and still 80% of people here and like 70% of people in general. That is a far cry from where I was but most of it is anxiety and depression... all of life isn't about PFS, not even all of health.

I have been optimizing health - physical and mental to help focus and to lower anxiety and remove depression and usually anxiety is lowered 5-8 yrs or more at a time, and depression is gone 6-10 yrs...
I have been doing that many years, all through diet, and exercise, and meditation and some other things like timed windows of eating. If you don't believe people can get better or have gotten better, that's fine, that's your negative world view and issues you have with yourself. But we don't all self loathe and hate ourselves, and think that "if I can't get better", no one can.

NO forum at all, I'd still get really healthy and 95-97% of issues would be gone. I mean since 2018 fall. So no idea why you Bruschi thinks everyone is as hopeless as he is.

I got rid of bipolar, anxiety diagnosis in my early 20's. But you know my health better than me? I used the correct minerals for me since early 20's but you know something??

How do you get lyme, cfs, pfs, and MS? You must have done things incorrectly. I have no diagnosis except a minor conn. tissue disorder (and only bc I fought for one) and ADHD (same).
You hate words and scream at me to STFU while being an unproductive member of society and hating anyone smarter than you.
You make others very uncomfortable, if you can't read 700 words or 900... and you throw a tantrum, I really wonder what skills you have. They can't be math.. or engineering...

Anyone keeping score:
I solved PSSD, wrong diagnoses, weight/ muscle gain, anxiety, and depression with no forums... and PFS later after perfect health nearly, then insanely bad health with PFS, and then perfect again.
Some issues now? Sure but my hater here has been sick for 10-15 yrs and gives advice, despite being functionally illiterate.
--i also went thru extortion, major fat loss, and fixed my health forever. minus a med, and yeah I don't feel PFS all that much if at all anymore.
--there's more to health and life than just that. And I don't appreciate the characterization of me nor the characterization of ASD/ADHD being some "neurological disease". So you're a neurologist now??
--this is ludicrous.

Then there’s the older people in their 50s-60s who think they know everything like @mnk.
Never said I know everything.
Asking smart people is one thing, being hated on by people like you is another.

Bragging about being so sick/ low cognition that you cannot read, after all this time is really insane. You're insufferable.

Anyone believing a sick insecure childish person like yourself's characterization of my recovery efforts, as me never trying anything - is literally 100 i.q. points lower than me and probably has never achieved fuck all in life. I will get a third degree most likely, a doctorate, among other things. Despite, idiots on health forums literally wasting my time. And me fixing them on my own (people who did that actually got better). Who's your guru? I still can't figure it out, because you never actually get better and then take out your failures on others. Don't need you to tell me what a man is. Laughable.

You can go to Helen's post and see he's bewildered by how clean my hairtests were and asked if I did the el- protocol. Which I did. In case anyone joins and think I'm (one of the few with results) are a grifter.

He knows I was, he was just distracted. I mentioned it to him...i also left here with half the posts I have., rest was for interest. anyways carry on, with ignorance.


Dude, your hairtest , looks surprisingly good, WTF. Aahahah,
Were you on electrolytes protocol or something? how can this looks so normal"

Really, TEI, e-protocol, Carnivore etc should mostly do the same thing. Fix the epigenome through different ways.

True it is easier to help and solve other issues with mor knowledge. I am sure regardless of protocol (personalized protocol, mine... ) I can borrow from others. Entropy basically did this with Swole Source and agreed doing your own thing is wise. Whether that means: DIET mostly or entirely, or Minerals on my own, or Diet and then a Mineral Balancing prgm is fine with me. I bet in future, I will have streamlined approach but I am trying to be pragmatic and quick about it. Self belief is important.
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Well-Known Member
Seems to me, you bruschi are going very deep into it (with mineral interactions, etc.) and MNK does a more practical approach (carnivore diet, stims, adding minerals/vitamins, etc.) I think both can work. You will know if you make progress. I do at least. I notice when I do something that is good for my health in the long term vs. not good.

Both have different negatives:

Deep analysis, etc: you can build a system and logical explaination for why something works but it can leave you concorted in your own analysis and thoughts making it slower or straight up going off the deep end/ But it can also give you faster and better results.

Practical means you cannot always technically explain what works. Just create hypothesis of why somethign works. You cannot do as detailed approach so you can miss certain things that you might need (b/c it's a straight jacket).

The combination perhaps could be even better. Combine the attitude of practicality (don't overanalyse/stay grounded and critical of your results) with some of the technicality so make sense of it all.


Staff member

What he isn’t realizing is everything I’m saying is what TEI and ARL try to do with people.

But when you have chronic long term issues, you gotta learn the stuff they’re trying to do . Cuz they’re not gonna help everyone.

Learn the science so you don’t have to be reliant on these companies…: who have a 30% success rate.


Well-Known Member
I get what you're saying, be data driven. But I asked about where to learn the science. Won't it come from interpreting several hair tests? o/w just point me in the right direction. Also I have solved lots of things in life, including school, without knowing 100% of the theory. Knowing enough and being pragmatic works well. Results>>>knowing it all. Besides, even in med school half the info they learn is incorrect. They don't now which part. Same with nutrition and I'd wager same with hormones and also nutritional balancing. Not saying it is useless, but there is asymmetric information always, and yet we still must make decisions and see them through. Discipline and self belief go a long way. I will post hairtests etc as soon as I can.


Well-Known Member

What he isn’t realizing is everything I’m saying is what TEI and ARL try to do with people.

But when you have chronic long term issues, you gotta learn the stuff they’re trying to do . Cuz they’re not gonna help everyone.

Learn the science so you don’t have to be reliant on these companies…: who have a 30% success rate.
For sure the 1,5 year on TEI helped a lot and helped me realize what worked and what my problems were. But after that have been doing my own thing and overall doing OK and I think I made faster progress than if I would been doing their stuff. Except for the days where I am depressed and get pessimistic but I also had this while doing TEI.

100% if you are able to understand their interactions then this will give you a much easier time. But for some people it can also slow them down a lot because they start to overthink. Everytime something bad happen try to make sense of it eventhough it could simply be a downswing for example.

MNK's plan is not bad in my opinion. Do a diet that works very good for you and then add stuff on top. Diet is like the baseline and from there you add stuff on top to detoxify, or replenish, etc.

Just different ways of doing stuff. Could he be missing stuff? Sure. But he will probably find out soon enough if he hits some type of wall or issue. Then you can re-assess and retract or add stuff.

Which one is faster? I don't know. I see a lot of TEI people who still deal with crap 5 years later. So am I. So how much better/faster it is? Hard to see.


Staff member
I get what you're saying, be data driven. But I asked about where to learn the science. Won't it come from interpreting several hair tests? o/w just point me in the right direction. Also I have solved lots of things in life, including school, without knowing 100% of the theory. Knowing enough and being pragmatic works well. Results>>>knowing it all. Besides, even in med school half the info they learn is incorrect. They don't now which part. Same with nutrition and I'd wager same with hormones and also nutritional balancing. Not saying it is useless, but there is asymmetric information always, and yet we still must make decisions and see them through. Discipline and self belief go a long way. I will post hairtests etc as soon

Nothing to do with hair tests. Girl who got me into looking at things this way didn’t use hair tests or much testing at all. This was a girl who couldn’t walk and now has full health and just had a couple of kids.

Start with glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain. Start learning these.

Know that the electrolytes protocol: step 1 is really about G6PD comes first. The first to everything. Glucose metabolism.

Glycolysis (glucose metabolism) feeds the Krebs (energy metabolism) feeding the electron transport chain (oxygen metabolism).

When you understand this. You realize something like carnivore long term is silly. But short term and in cycles as gbold proposes fasting and keto to be used this way. Can be beneficial.
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Well-Known Member
The weird thing for me is that if I eat a nutrient dense diet (e.g. lots of animal foods) I feel calmer and better in some ways but way less motivated to do things in life. When I eat a minimalist type of diet (e.g. a lot of simple sugar, fruits, veggies, bit of meat) I get insane motivation, joy and energy. And also motivation to bang chicks. High animal diet I get demotivated to bang chicks.

It's funny to me.

I understand durianrider a bit better now. People call him crazy but he has very good points about sugar. But for him a big problem is his teeth became very weak on his diet clearly missing sulfur, calcium, magnesium, b vits, etc. But the simple sugar diets give insane amounts of joy, good libido, etc.

I am trying to find a diet that has the benefits of both.


Well-Known Member
The weird thing for me is that if I eat a nutrient dense diet (e.g. lots of animal foods) I feel calmer and better in some ways but way less motivated to do things in life. When I eat a minimalist type of diet (e.g. a lot of simple sugar, fruits, veggies, bit of meat) I get insane motivation, joy and energy. And also motivation to bang chicks. High animal diet I get demotivated to bang chicks.

It's funny to me.

I understand durianrider a bit better now. People call him crazy but he has very good points about sugar. But for him a big problem is his teeth became very weak on his diet clearly missing sulfur, calcium, magnesium, b vits, etc. But the simple sugar diets give insane amounts of joy, good libido, etc.

I am trying to find a diet that has the benefits of both.
Which simple sugars do you eat?


Staff member
The weird thing for me is that if I eat a nutrient dense diet (e.g. lots of animal foods) I feel calmer and better in some ways but way less motivated to do things in life. When I eat a minimalist type of diet (e.g. a lot of simple sugar, fruits, veggies, bit of meat) I get insane motivation, joy and energy. And also motivation to bang chicks. High animal diet I get demotivated to bang chicks.

It's funny to me.

I understand durianrider a bit better now. People call him crazy but he has very good points about sugar. But for him a big problem is his teeth became very weak on his diet clearly missing sulfur, calcium, magnesium, b vits, etc. But the simple sugar diets give insane amounts of joy, good libido, etc.

I am trying to find a diet that has the benefits of both.

The weird thing for me is that if I eat a nutrient dense diet (e.g. lots of animal foods) I feel calmer and better in some ways but way less motivated to do things in life. When I eat a minimalist type of diet (e.g. a lot of simple sugar, fruits, veggies, bit of meat) I get insane motivation, joy and energy. And also motivation to bang chicks. High animal diet I get demotivated to bang chicks.

It's funny to me.

I understand durianrider a bit better now. People call him crazy but he has very good points about sugar. But for him a big problem is his teeth became very weak on his diet clearly missing sulfur, calcium, magnesium, b vits, etc. But the simple sugar diets give insane amounts of joy, good libido, etc.

I am trying to find a diet that has the benefits of both.

What is your serum b12?

B12 in excess = cholesterol to preg in excess = eating up minerals like copper zinc = you don’t want to fuck

I have begun a low b12 diet lol. I’m realizing in ‘17 when I recovered that is what I ate until I was strong . Then animal foods went in great .

My serum b12 is about 1400. I think it steals from chloride in the cell. I think it upregulates hif1a too hard eating up iron copper. I am onto the high serum b12 being a real issue.

Something so synthetic and unnatural. We didn’t have B vitamins and fortification of foods in our ancestors days.

We want FAD to use b12. Not have super high b12.


Well-Known Member
What is your serum b12?

B12 in excess = cholesterol to preg in excess = eating up minerals like copper zinc = you don’t want to fuck

I have begun a low b12 diet lol. I’m realizing in ‘17 when I recovered that is what I ate until I was strong . Then animal foods went in great .

My serum b12 is about 1400. I think it steals from chloride in the cell. I think it upregulates hif1a too hard eating up iron copper. I am onto the high serum b12 being a real issue.

Something so synthetic and unnatural. We didn’t have B vitamins and fortification of foods in our ancestors days.

We want FAD to use b12. Not have super high b12.
I never tested it. But I have used a B vitamin supp (included b12) for a while like 2 years ago.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people here (not all) are immature because most of us had lack of hormones in youth and puberty. If you are hypothyroid or any sickness related to that you're going to stop development of the brain in my opinion at certain age. Even Gboldeuv said with POIS some people looked like kids at 40.

If you also had trauma's on top of it like PTSD from something very bad/hurtful happening when you were a kid you're going to be a toxic individual that is scared of life. Thats why I felt like a four year old in a 26 year old body. It's scary this is even possible. But it was real.

I sometimes meet other people who have the same problem but are unaware! Women and men.

Now I feel more like 18 years old. lol Still immature. But I can handle life somewhat. I am 32 years old now. Normally you'd be a fully grown adult at this age. But in my mind I am not.

A lot of musicians have it too. Creative people, etc. It's not a bad thing 100%. Just have to accept part of it and see the good things from it. Even if it's "COPING". Everybody copes with existence with different ways (religions, diets, belief systems, money, sport, etc.) It's not bad to be a bit autistic. And nothing to hate yourself for. But it can be upsetting sometimes when certain things don't work out.

I think we all here, you, bruschi, me, and others get frustrated sometimes. It sucks to have issues with health on top of life putting pressure on it. But it's impossible to judge each other in the state they are in. Because I might be way worse or better than someone here. What works for me doesn't work for the other. So you have to give each other the space to improve in their own space and pace.

I have had people tell me I am retarded because of the way I am because next to them yes I am way worse health wise. But then I meet someone else who is worse than me and I see that they struggle with things that are basic for me.

So let's stop the bickering. Both you guys are doing your best. But as you can see we probably all at different points in this journey.
Hi after long months.
Most of You guys (circa 80%) is dealing with toxoplasmosis, in latent form. Latent form create cysts mainly in brain. Toxo is eating folic acid, it make Cu unavailable (induce vitiligo). It induces a lot of stuff. It changes behavior, I know beacuse I feel diffrence. This topic is so broad that tbh I dont know where to start. You think your behavior iss diffrent than should be ? Just check those guy works(you guys want real education, here you go. This guy know what is the reason of our problems from circa 1998 ! https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joseph-Prandota)

Northern hemisphere people have it- 60 to 80% people ! Northern hemisphere strain is persisten, chronic. Sounds familiar to many disease today ?
Just do Igm and Igg antibodies
tei/arl are dealing with this, but faster way is tansy, wormwood, clindamycin, spiramycin.

I'm after one spiramycin and one clindamycin course and after wormwood/tansy. Difference is day and night. Calcification/bones popping up in my head / spine every day. Difference is day and night.

PS. for sure clindamycin is decreasing electrolytes so before and after few days on electrolytes is good idea