are you telling me how to do liver flushes ? Bud , I did 80 of them. and you just started . I know everything about flushing and problems of flushing. If you dont listen it is your choice.
I had stones stuck in my bile ducts. when I just ate apples. trust me it is not a pretty thing to experience. When the big ones start going you dont want them to be stuck . You will pass out and be in the hospital. And the big ones will start going.
Also dont be lazy and prepare before every single liver flush. I sometimes got lazy and ran out out of malic acid on my 30-40 flushes. And just flushed on apples. I had 2 incidents of stones being stuck. I had to drink liters of oil to flush the stone out of my bile duct. I had it there I could feel it and it hurt like hell.
MY advice to you always wait till the stones dilute. never get lazy, if you are planning to continue with the flushes. Doing 10 flushes and stopping will do you more harm than good. You need to flush everything out of dont flush at all.
I know exactly why you need malic acid. It has nothing to do with fiber in apples YOu need malic acid, to make NADPH in krebs cycle, from malate enzyme. NADH gets converted into NADPH. by malic acid. NADPH is what makes bile acids from cholesterol. along with vitamin C. This is why apple juice or malic acid are given.
In 3 days, you will not even make enough NADPH for the system , not only for the bile system. You need bile acids to soften your cholesterol stones, for that you need to produce bile acids. with NADPH.. And since many people run very low on NADPH. It is impossible to even produce NADPH in 3 days, not only to soften stones.
For toxic people I advice to be on malic acid for a month before the first flush.
You need 14 days min to prepare for the first flush. then as long as you drink malic acid, you can do it weekly
In my experience, malic acid is the best for liver flushes. Apples are ok.
The best thing is to buy malic acid and drink it daily. And keep flushing. I dont go by Moritz style or any other style, I go by my style. I flushed all the stones out. and did it weekly. So the gallbladder stayed open all the time. I found that if you flush every 2-3 weeks , stones block it. And that impairs digestion. So I chose to keep flushing non stop.
The goal of apples or malic acid is not to clean you out, but to produce bile acid. And wait till this bile acid softens dilutes your cholesterole and billirubin deposits
You dont eat regular food during flushes, you go on more veggy fruit diet. cycled with low protein rice.
Also remember that if you plan to flush it all out, keep doing it and never get lazy and wait for the stones to soften. Also remember that you can always gulp a liter of oil in case of some blockage. And if you flush 30 or more times, you will have the blockages. since the big ones start going and your bile ducts will be very flexible by then.
Good luck , liver flushes are great, you wont regret it.