Electrolyte Protocol for Improved Health


Well-Known Member
Hey happenstance, what makes you pick that besides the fact that it's all 9 essential... I definitely like the fact it's all at once so I'm not taking a billion pills a day but just wondering, you use it ? Help any issues per se ??

PFS, CFS ? just wondering but still... thank you for the link... I'm checking into it now

They're free form, no additives and it's cheap shipping. I've ordered it but haven't received it yet. No pfs or cfs but I've been really sick.


Sorry, im new i have PFS since two years ago. I started with 17. Now i tried the ella protocol and i finished 1 week ago. I order in trace elements mi hair analysis.Its okay if i made it now?
Is it safe for you to order hair test, is that what you are asking?
No, i mean. I took ella last week, 5 mg for 6 days. I wsnt to know if i have to wait more time to make mi hair analysis
I dont understand, if i can balance mi minerals, i will be okay? They are not changing all the time depending in mi diet?
No, are you taking anything else though?
Okay. So with the hair analysis,if i can balance mi minerals, im cured?

@sanka , can you make a log with what you have done and plan to do etc? All topics tend to end up with a mix of talks about more than the op.
Also, read more about hair test. The hair analysis show your tissues of the last 3 months = what have grown according to the length you cut. So it is not like a blood test that shows a photo of NOW. Hair test is a film! Of course mineral intake is changing with your diet, but not the general balance, not that fast for a deep change in your tissues. Also, your minerals do not depend on the amount you take but complex ratios, and complex reactions and goals your body has. No way, you have to read about it....
We ALL want to balance our minerals, but it is a permanent path, not a target you reach once and for all... So yes you would be cured, but it is very far from being as simple as taking all the minerals that will show as missing on a hair test!


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This is in my log thread but Just wanted to give an update. I basically have been doing the Protocol & Guide for Improved Health over the past week. It was easy for me since I already had most of the stuff from zinc finger protocol so decided to give it a try.

I'm pretty much following the exact protocol. I started off taking 8 capsules of betaine HCL per meal (with whey protein), 500mg potassium chloride/mag chloride, 1 capsule platinum EAA (or really any EAA should work), 2 tablets of biozyme.

I actually felt effects from the first day but after the third day I had to bump it down because my stomach was starting to get super warm a bit from the HCL. I basically just kept tapering it down every few days until I landed of about 4 capsules right now with each meal and my stomach feels fine now consistently.

My skin/hair and libido and everything feels great on this so far, I actually can handle gelatin now too, which I couldn't in the past, I would get a headache and libido would drop/stomach bloated. My sleep is super deep now too. The only thing I'm missing is a multi, I tried adding in a shitty generic multi vitamin and I felt a bit worse on it so I stopped it and the next day I felt very good again. @gbolduev says to use a whole foods one, so I will add that in when I get it.

I want to emphasize that taking everything together is needed. For example, I forgot to take electrolytes one day with it and I felt completely different (temps went down, felt cold etc.) so if you try it please take everything together at the same time. I'm doing it with each meal.

Just like others that have tried it so far I had some water retention left and this completely fixed it which is why I assume my skin looks great again. I would highly suggest try this, it is super easy and cheap, covers many areas too (e.g protein deficiency).

So to recap, this is what I take with each high protein meal (usually whey protein or egg whites):
  • 4 capsules betaine HCL (using bulk powder supplement and capping them myself, but looking to switch to quantum capsules or Dr. Clark's since they have no stearates)
  • 2 tablets digestive enzymes (biozyme)
  • 500mg potassium chloride (NOW powder)
  • 500mg mag chloride
  • 1 capsule platinum EAA (or any EAA supplement)
Planning to add in whole food multi (nutriplex). If it feel like crap on it, I will just continue without it.

For me the only difference in this protocol compared to zinc finger is the higher dose betaine HCL ( I only used 500mg on zinc finger), the addition of digestive enzymes directly (biozyme), and taking out histidine/cysteine directly and using a full EAA supplement instead. It feels like zinc finger but just better.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, well i took dostinex and clomid, but mi proñactin levels are still high, also i think here you talk about downregulated, because i have all mi hormones down. I have a great libido, not lose hair, i dont have beard or hair in mi chest, i think this is because i took propecia at 17 until 20. I tried ella 5 mg for 6 days, now i dont have so much brain fog, and more energy. Im sorry for mi english, maybe thats why i cant understand all of this posts. So with the hair minerals, to balance them, trace elements should help me after them test me?
Also inwant to know of taking NADPH will help me


Staff member
Planning to add in whole food multi (nutriplex). If it feel like crap on it, I will just continue without it.

Maybe just take it once a week. That's what I do just to get everything in me. I normally have a decrease in sexuality after multi-vitamins and @freeflow does too. But I think its just something we want to get in our system weekly or so.


Staff member
I'm on the morning of a liver flush right now. Can't wait for it to end- but just from all the malic, aminos (been using ZF with betaine for 4 days now), NADH (2 days), cal/mag/potassium/selenium/NAC, I woke up with strongest of erections with PFS this morning. Freaked out and fapped immediately lol.

I really like this whole health protocol. It lets everyone know that this is a war not a battle. There's no cure for PFS. Its fixing the system over time back to an equilibrium. It takes time, but if you do it right like this, that amount of time will be minimal and much more easily done than a majority of the recovery stories we've heard about.

I mean- who wants to live like English and Chi did. Why not follow this stuff, follow Okinawan diet, and just be on your way. I'd also recommend anyone to start reading my pathogen stuff- maybe get a rife machine if you're really not well.
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Staff member
I think what people also need to realize is- you aren't going to feel great doing some of this stuff. During a liver flush, you're going to feel like shit. During a long fast, you're going to feel weak, you're going to feel fatigue.

But you have to get worse to get better. Very rarely will a supplement or drug just fix a dude from PFS. Its a whole system approach and it takes a lot of time and dedication.

Just gotta realize- you were such a fucking pussy whoever you are by taking finasteride when you took it. I was that fucking pathetic 28 year old boy not a man who digested that pill. Now its time to grow into a man.


Well-Known Member
If you are taking a whey protein mix, do you need an essential amino acid supplement? Wouldnt those aminos also be in the whey mix? For example compare the ingredients of an ON Gold Standard Whey powder to your EEA supplement.


Staff member
Thanks @gbolduev this is great. I’m just confused as to whether this protocol would cure sexual sides(no libido, arousal or penile pleasure) or is it just more so fatigue? If anyone could clear it up to my thick skull I’d appreciate it lol

Sexuality is part of it all. The better your body is at running itself, at taking care of pathogens, toxins (which cause fatigue) the better your sexuality will get. For me, zinc finger amino acids with betaine HCL increase sexuality quite a bit.


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Staff member
If you are taking a whey protein mix, do you need an essential amino acid supplement? Wouldnt those aminos also be in the whey mix? For example compare the ingredients of an ON Gold Standard Whey powder to your EEA supplement.

No, I clarified that in my log forgot to mention it here though. You don't need EAA supplement if you are taking whey protein. EAA just gives more aminos that is all.


Well-Known Member
No, I clarified that in my log forgot to mention it here though. You don't need EAA supplement if you are taking whey protein. EAA just gives more aminos that is all.
You are not using malic acid?


Well-Known Member
What are the symptoms of ROS generating we should be on the lookout for when we take NADH?

Only supplement I am not taking because it’s not really clear to me.


Staff member
You are not using malic acid?

I am using it. Liver flushes leave me feel so clear headed afterwards with libido. Did one yesterday/today.