Electrolyte Protocol for Improved Health


Staff member
I literally love this whole protocol and guide. I think it would be great if we could put together what's important from most to least. I'm sure some things are needed but we don't have to go as crazy about.

I've been doing a solid portion of all of this over the last 6 months. I think betaine HCL is pretty much a prerequisite for what we are trying to accomplish here amongst a few other in this.
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Staff member
What are the symptoms of ROS generating we should be on the lookout for when we take NADH?

Only supplement I am not taking because it’s not really clear to me.

Bumping this. Would like to hear this too. I have the regular NADH- sublingual is quite a bit more pricy. Regular NADH will run me like $13 a month where sublingual is $37 or so.


Staff member
i have all the stuff for coffe enema, i will star doing it one of these days

Honestly, I don't hear of many PFS guys doing these that often- people are afraid of jamming things up their ass I guess. But it really only took about 2 or so weeks to getting accustomed to doing these. I do say 4 of 7 mornings per week.

Heck- a few weeks ago I forgot I had one in, took an hour train ride to another city. Got it out 60 miles away lol! Also sometimes you'll retain a good portion of it. Nothing to worry about, its harmless.

I will say that if you are experiencing frequent bloating from daily coffee enemas, you may want to do only 2 or 3 days a week.


Well-Known Member
@bruschi11 is HCL referring to Betaine HCL, I type in HCL tablets and that's what pops up lol but I'm not sure because all these amino acids I've been looking at are HCL, also which enzymes do you take?


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@bruschi11 is HCL referring to Betaine HCL, I type in HCL tablets and that's what pops up lol but I'm not sure because all these amino acids I've been looking at are HCL, also which enzymes do you take?

yes betaine HCL, get the capsules without fillers in it if possible (no stearates). A few companies make them pure like Dr Clarks and Quantum. The stearate version doesn't work that well when I tried it.
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Well-Known Member
I'm on the morning of a liver flush right now. Can't wait for it to end- but just from all the malic, aminos (been using ZF with betaine for 4 days now), NADH (2 days), cal/mag/potassium/selenium/NAC, I woke up with strongest of erections with PFS this morning. Freaked out and fapped immediately lol.

I really like this whole health protocol. It lets everyone know that this is a war not a battle. There's no cure for PFS. Its fixing the system over time back to an equilibrium. It takes time, but if you do it right like this, that amount of time will be minimal and much more easily done than a majority of the recovery stories we've heard about.

I mean- who wants to live like English and Chi did. Why not follow this stuff, follow Okinawan diet, and just be on your way. I'd also recommend anyone to start reading my pathogen stuff- maybe get a rife machine if you're really not well.

Are you still getting your electrolytes from Eidon, or are you taking cal/mag/potassium as individual supplements? I've started on Eidon with modest results, wondering if I should supplement with potassium/mag chloride in similar amounts to @TubZy. Also, are the chloride forms necessary?


No, I clarified that in my log forgot to mention it here though. You don't need EAA supplement if you are taking whey protein. EAA just gives more aminos that is all.
I really like whole food and not powders.... with betaine hcl and high protein meals, as I am totally sugar free now, isn-t it enough to get the right aminos?


Well-Known Member
@TubZy you're taking 500mg Mg chloride and potassium chloride per meal? Isn't that way more than recommended?


Staff member
Are you still getting your electrolytes from Eidon, or are you taking cal/mag/potassium as individual supplements? I've started on Eidon with modest results, wondering if I should supplement with potassium/mag chloride in similar amounts to @TubZy. Also, are the chloride forms necessary?

I realized I was over doing it a bit with Eidon so took a few days off. Will reincorporate it in shortly. I am taking low doses of mag and potassium though too.


Staff member
@bruschi11 is HCL referring to Betaine HCL, I type in HCL tablets and that's what pops up lol but I'm not sure because all these amino acids I've been looking at are HCL, also which enzymes do you take?

Yes betaine hcl. I’d say I’m averaging 3-5 grams per day. 20 bucks for a bottle still will lasts me 50 days or so. It is REQUiRED for what we are doing here for just about everyone.


Staff member
yes betaine HCL, get the capsules without fillers in it if possible (no stearates). A few companies make them pure like Dr Clarks and Quantum. The stearate version doesn't work that well when I tried it.

Ugh I literally JUST stocked up on 3 bottles that I now realize have stearates.


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Guys start with the simple protocol without additional stuff like what TUBZY is doing and then and only then play around with the extra stuff. Since you could be all different.


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@TubZy You also need to tell people what you were taking before like copper magnesium potassium GHK CU. Since was all the part of the fixing it. Same as Scenes , who took one thing first then now he is taking another thing.
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Staff member
@bruschi11 is HCL referring to Betaine HCL, I type in HCL tablets and that's what pops up lol but I'm not sure because all these amino acids I've been looking at are HCL, also which enzymes do you take?

Taking wobenzyme and "Now Super Enzyme" but when I run out of the super enzymes I'm probably going to add another GBOLD recommended dig enzyme to have on hand with the wobenzyme. I switch it up but use both at least daily.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
@TubZy You also need to tell people what you were taking before like copper magnesium potassium GHK CU. Since was all the part of the fixing it. Same as Scenes , who took one thing first then now he is taking another thing.

They know I was taking that but I can add it to my log again (basically zinc finger) but I will mention it again.


Well-Known Member
Just been looking into how pine pollen powder compares to whey protein for amino acids, and per gram whey protein does provide a fair bit more, although pine pollen is still an excellent source, and also contains many vitamins and minerals in natural forms. I'm thinking of starting on this again, but obviously taking alongside betaine HCL to ensure it gets absorbed properly.

This link provides some excellent information on all the amino acids and other nutrients in pine pollen, and the functions of all the essential amino's - worth checking out! This sums up the importance of amino acids (to be honest I've always overlooked AA's until reading this forum!)

To understand the role of proteins in the body, it is important to understand that each type of protein is unique both in structure and function and that it is estimated that over 50,000 unique proteins types exist in the humans. Each protein type is a unique string of combined amino acids, and if one amino acid is missing, the body cannot make that protein.

Because amino acids are not stored in the body as some other nutrients are, a daily intake of a wide variety of amino acids is essential—which is why there is a class of amino acids called essential. An essential nutrient must be consumed; the body cannot make them and they are essential to life. As an example of the complexity of proteins, hemoglobin, the part of red bloods cell that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide, is a string of 146 amino acids.

This is really interesting;

Regulate several minerals, including iron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, and manganese. Histidine is also essential in the formation of several enzymes and compounds, including the important anti-aging antioxidant SOD (super oxide dismutase).*

Increases athletic endurance and assists in muscle repair.*

Promotes the regulation of blood glucose, promotes repair and growth of muscle and bone, and promotes the production of GH (growth hormone).*

Of vital importance for proper growth, absorption of calcium, building muscle and carnitine synthesis, recovery from trauma, and assists in the production of antibodies, enzymes, and hormones.*

Promotes normal metabolism and growth, including liver detoxification. Methionine is a sulfur donor and as such assists anti-oxidant activity.*

Precursor of the amino acid tyrosine, required for adrenalin, noradrenaline, and dopamine.*

Thought to assist in fighting/preventing depression, a major component of elastin, collagen, and enamel. Helps promotes liver metabolism and generally assists metabolism and absorption of nutrients in the GI tract.*

An essential element of many enzymes, proteins, serotonin, melatonin, and neurotransmitters.*

Help prevent the breakdown of muscle, aids the nervous system, and promotes cognitive health.*

Nutritional Analysis of Pine Pollen | RAW Forest Foods


Well-Known Member
Just been looking into how pine pollen powder compares to whey protein for amino acids, and per gram whey protein does provide a fair bit more, although pine pollen is still an excellent source, and also contains many vitamins and minerals in natural forms. I'm thinking of starting on this again, but obviously taking alongside betaine HCL to ensure it gets absorbed properly.

This link provides some excellent information on all the amino acids and other nutrients in pine pollen, and the functions of all the essential amino's - worth checking out! This sums up the importance of amino acids (to be honest I've always overlooked AA's until reading this forum!)

This is really interesting;

Nutritional Analysis of Pine Pollen | RAW Forest Foods

I had some hesitation about which form of amino to take as well. Ultimately went with pine pollen in the morning, whey protein in the afternoon and histidine, cysteine, glycine, glutamine and lycine before bed. Have an EAA supplement as well. Haven’t used it yet.

Not taking any mamal dosis or anything. The whey and pine pollen especially carry only small doses of amino’s.

Why did you stop this protocol initially?