Is it about Arachidonic acid and Cb1 receptor and anandamide? ( HAIRLOSS, PFS, IMMUNE SYSTEM, PTSD)


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Staff member
Good stuff. When I'm ready and I'll get there for sure. Mercury is crazy man- been going at it a little bit with Rife. Chem depression sucks, but its not as bad as it used to be so system is making strides in handling it.

I'm posting my labs now on my log. You will love this test.

I have done nutreval 100s of times, bud)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Good stuff. When I'm ready and I'll get there for sure. Mercury is crazy man- been going at it a little bit with Rife. Chem depression sucks, but its not as bad as it used to be so system is making strides in handling it.

I'm posting my labs now on my log. You will love this test.

this stuff has almost no sides.


Well-Known Member
no I love that test, it was only 1500 bucks before.

In the USA its only about $190 now if your insurance covers it. Without insurance you can get in $400 range I believe at max. This is what my practitioner likes to use along with hair tests. She was part of a group in the USA in lowering the prices of these tests and they've done so quite well.


Okay so.. @Helen Carnivore diet is good. I used to get white spots on fingernails all the time, that's why I supplemented zinc. It fixed my acne and fingernails. This was years ago. Now I take zero vitamin or mineral supplements and my fingernails are perfect. Liver also makes my skin perfect, no acne. So this diet does seem to be helping.

I do feel very numb though. It's not too bad, but my emotions are not intense like they used to be. NoFap ironically helps. The more I do NoFap and cut out dopamine, the easier it is to have higher feelings and emotions. I doubt I have pyroluria. Seems like raw carnivore would completely cure that based on nutrient profile.

I do have issues digesting fat though...Always floating stools, very light brown, almost yellow. So I have bile issues. If I can't absorb fat, then I likely am not getting Arachidonic Acid...That's why I'm planning on adding TUDCA and Betaine HCL with pepsin to optimize my protein and fat digestion.

As far as cb1 receptors...What if I were to take CBD oil? Could this have some effect and if so, what do you think?

For heavy metals, I've begun taking MMS aka Chlorine Dioxide. It's been used to help kids recover from autism and it removes heavy metals from the body by apparently oxidizing them. Lots of successful heavy metal detox claims from people who've used it. Lymes, CFS, ME, all these things, SIBO too.

I don't have lots of money and tests are limited here in Canada, so not sure what to do about tests.

I'm going to also do STS at night with Vitamin C to enhance glutathione and clean the gut.
Considering doing the gut protocol too.

When I was a teen, I got scalp psoriases too. Still have it slightly.

"This is why raw meat dieters carnivore people all have terrible bad bad hair. since most of those people have very low levels of glutathione.
and they go on carnivore diet, since they feel better on it. but as they replenish arachidonic acid, they will be balding. but feeling better" - Helen

Are you suggesting carnivore diet means low glutathione? Why would carnivore diet cause low glutathione?

My hair is actually in a decent place and I am maintaining. Am only doing Balayam right now, nail rubbing. Will be doing dermarolling soon. I do have raw honey too now and then.
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Well-Known Member
have a problem taking low dose naltrexone (3 mg per day) and smoking weed every day? I don't feel any emotion have 3 years


Well-Known Member
I smoke weed every day for about 3 years, I am post accutane is 4 years old, I do bodybuilding 7 years, I eat relatively well, I am 22 years old, but I have no feelings or emotions right since I took accutane, when I smoke marijuana at least I feel like doing something a little for a while, I have depersonalization.
But my question is, did I want to know what harm smoking cannabis can cause me and make my present accutane situation worse?


Well-Known Member
I smoke weed everyday for almost 3 years, if I quit now, and continues taking LDN, have chances to improve my depersonalization and have my feelings back and desire to do things ?


Well-Known Member
I smoke weed everyday for almost 3 years, if I quit now, and continues taking LDN, have chances to improve my depersonalization and have my feelings back and desire to do things ?

Based on what Helen tells us, yes weed is bad for this. I smoke too.

I’ve been lowering my intake a bit. Making strides, but it’s taking time. I can tell you for sure it has major affects on my cortisol and ultimately digestive system.


Well-Known Member
weed makes me smile at idiots so that's gotta be a bad sign.
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I would be nice if people tested their fatty acids in blood

I've come so far since the crash and it made me even more pissed about my hairloss after feeling bit better. I wanna heal it all, the whole body, from 5% to 150!, PFS/Skin/Brain/Sleep and Hair.

Tell me what to test I'll getem if available.
During crash I felt like regrowing like stupid for 3weeks, and then as if it all fell out and been thinning since. Esp my crown which never really was that bad is thinning out.

I'm interested in all this cuz it puts all (stereotypical)known to the side. I lost my temples 10years ago within like 3-4months(from full to 0). And I had superlow dht before fin and yet was thinning, it's interesting af, my brain just isn't capable to comprehend anything really written out here.

Fixing gluta seems to be the key for everything, I just don't get how to test/know the levels/degree of the level in the body.

5 alpha

Well-Known Member
I think we need to look into this further , what if Cb1 receptor overexpression is primary problem.

if I were you since you mentioned that you had PFS before PFS.

I would test your arachidonic acid in blood and also linoiec and pyroles.

you see if you have pyroluria ( which is usually becasue of some metal toxicity )

then you cant even make arachidonic acid. since linoiec cant be converted into arachidonic.

and thus you could me missing, endrophns, cannabinoids, and opiiods. which are what your body deals with stress with.


Have you read this study yet ?

Neurobiological Interactions Between Stress and the Endocannabinoid System

One thing that jumped out at me:

“Additionally, in almost every brain region examined, exposure to chronic stress reliably causes a downregulation or loss of cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors”

Any chance the CB1 receptors could be down regulated resulting in the GR receptors becoming overly sensitive/up regulated in response ?
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Well-Known Member
PFS could be an imbalances of arachidonic acid. and CB1 receptor. and phospholipase.

people need to test their FFAs and supplement and see all their symptoms go away.

some need to get rid of sibo, to stop activation of phospholipase.

Some folks got psoriasis. in PFS. arachidonic acid gets rid of it. in some cases.

arachidonic acid is your immune system.

arachidonic acid suppresses prolactin release and increases dopamine.

arachidonic acid suppresses gaba release.

ESTROGEN increases arachidonic acid synthesis and cannabinoids. and opiods. ( anandamide) as I wrote many times.

EMOTIONS are cannabinoids and opiods. estrogen provides emotions thru these things

CB1 receptor controls CORTISOL and LH release. CB1 receptor control prolactin release. and gaba.

Finasteride stops hairloss just by making you deficient in arachidonic acid.

but it can never regrow temples. since you need arachidonic acid to actually regrow stuff

arachidonic acid turns into PGE2 and PGD2, PGD2 is what causes hairloss

and PGE2 is what grows hair.( by the way this is why castor oil works , since it activates this receptor)

but PGE2 is made with GLUTATHIONE.. so if you are missing glutathione. you will be losing hair. since all your arachidonic acid will be turning into PGD2.

unless you get deficient totally in arachidonic acid. ( which is what finasteride does.)

they you stop losing hair with very mediocre regrowth. which eventually wil; not even work, as you get totally deficient in arachidonic acid.. but get totally screwed with immune system emotions. etc regulation of hormones.

This is why raw meat dieters carnivore people all have terrible bad bad hair. since most of those people have very low levels of glutathione.

and they go on carnivore diet, since they feel better on it. but as they replenish arachidonic acid, they will be balding. but feeling better

look at sverige guy, look at baker, look at any carnivores , raw meaters, ALL bald. and will be bald.

Some people get pyroluria in PFS, what is pyroluria. pyroluria causes zinc and b6 deficiency, which causes deficency of arachidonic acid.

so some folks already had problems with this @MCurtone before PFS and thus stress caused similar symptoms.

Elevated brain cannabinoid CB1 receptor availability in post-traumatic stress disorder: a positron emission tomography study

So we need to look into Cb1 receptors anandamide and arachidonic acid. and different cases .

SIBO for instance can activate phospholipase too much and flood the blood with arachidonic acid. as an example.

Also is it possible that finasteride upregulates those receptors too much like CB1? in some cases and then you get too much archidonic acid

I would be nice if people tested their fatty acids in blood
Excellent work. We do now have an explanation for hair loss and treatment. DHT is only harmful with PGD2.
It is possible to get lower gluth.level by amalgam (50%) mercury fill ins? So to speak, this would cause hairloss?


Well-Known Member
You can raise gluth.level by ALA.
The crazy thing: it chelates mercury and downregulates AR.
Start slowly. Add aminos, minerals.
The topic is quite interesting, why was it abandoned? It can also explain such a syndrome as POIS. I got it after taking antibiotics (amoxiclav), from which after orgasm and even from arousal my hair (on the top of my head diffusely), eyebrows, eyelashes, itching, greasiness, etc. began to fall off.


Well-Known Member
yes and linoleic acid causes symptoms, you have pyroluria.

if you have heavy metals like mercury. or lead or arsenic, it will cause pyroluria.

all over commercial olive oils, vegan food, processed veg foods.

my little arsenic only toxic metal i had in 2018 tests and not much toxic ratios was probably rice and yet i felt better than ever.

Low copper was probably electrolyte protocol (simplified), lifting and randro before that.


Well-Known Member
He also couldn't stand the side of effects of dut without being in keto. He had been a keto person for like almost a decade. If he eats carbs he feels like shit.
6-8 weeks, maybe more like 26 weeks to adjust from one extreme diet to the next...

need to take time for biome to change. Surely, fasting makes that easier, if switching from say strict carnivore to vegan (which no one does). Or to paleo (which is basically a less strict keto, which is basically a less strict carnivore).