Before I was a skilled lyricist, and went East Coast, I listened to Tupac.
NY has better emcees for sure. I still love him. However, no one touches WUTANG. Is this spam motherfuckers? ppl that talk shit to me on disc should be banned. I'm top fucking tier.
I prefer Mob Deep and Wutang, and Godfather Don, and many others. But GFK best most consistent rapper of all time, Eminem is up there. I know what I'm talking about.
Everything I do is S tier. Soon dressing like a mafioso again, in my 400 dollar chinos. when ripped again.
10/10 trance above. SICK rap here. Listened to this all 2019-2020 2021 and my classic favs like Wu and Big L.
One of the First songs I was listening to after water fasting. Classic. All these entire albums. All of em. but I love trance most. But also NY rap.